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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Obama Signs Oklahoma Disaster Declaration
Barack Obama
Readout of the Vice President's Call With Lebanese Prime Minister Sa'ad Hariri
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Republic of Korea
Statement by the Press Secretary on Bills Signed by the President
Presidential Nomination Sent to the Senate
Statement by the Press Secretary on the President's Call with Governors Jindal, Barbour, Riley, and Crist
Advisory: President Obama, Vice President Biden to Participate in Memorial Day Ceremonies
Readout of President Obama's Meeting with Prime Minister of Lebanon Saad Hariri
Readout of the Vice President's Call with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of President Sirleaf of Liberia to the White House
Press Release: Remarks of President Barack Obama at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York - As Prepared for Delivery
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs
White House Press Release - President Obama Announces His Intent to Nominate James M. Cole as Deputy Attorney General
Press Release - President Obama Directs Administration to Create First-Ever National Efficiency and Emissions Standards for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Trucks
Readout of Vice President Biden's Meeting with Bahrain's Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa
Presidential Nominations Sent to the Senate
Statement by the Press Secretary on Court Ruling in Malawi
White House Press Release - President Obama Names Three to United States District Court
White House Press Release - President Obama Names Two as U.S. Attorneys
White House Press Release - President Obama Names Susan L. Carney to U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Advisory: The Vice President and Dr. Jill Biden to Travel to Egypt, Kenya and South Africa
White House Press Release - Remarks by President Calderón of Mexico at Official Arrival Ceremony
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Republic of Korea Navy ship the Cheonan
Readout From the President's Call with Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey
Joint Pakistan-U.S. Statement on the Visit of National Security Advisor General James L. Jones and Director of Central Intelligence Agency Leon Panetta to Pakistan, May 18-19, 2010
White House Press Release - Text of Remarks by President Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa of Mexico at a White House Welcoming Ceremony
Press Gaggle by Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton
Press Briefing by a Senior Administration Official on the Upcoming Visit of President Calderón of Mexico
White House Press Release - Attorney General Biden Discharged from Jefferson Hospital for Neuroscience
Press Release: Remarks of President Barack Obama in Youngstown, Ohio - As Prepared for Delivery
White House Press Release - White House Drug Policy Director Outlines Strategies to Reduce Rising Threat from Methamphetamine and Prescription Drug Diversion and Abuse
White House Press Release - Council on Auto Communities and Workers Announces Landmark Framework to Speed Redevelopment of Shuttered Auto Facilities
White House Press Release - Background on the President's Events Today in Youngstown, Ohio
White House Press Release - President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts
Statement by White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Iran