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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Nomination of Ethel Bent Walsh To Be a Member.
Jimmy Carter
National Mediation Board Nomination of Robert O. Harris To Be a Member.
Acts Approved by the President
United States Ambassador to Fiji, Tonga, and Tuvalu and United States Minister to Kiribati Nomination of William Bodde, Jr.
Agency for International Development Nomination of Jack Hood Vaughn To Be Assistant Administrator for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Nominations Submitted to the Senate
Digest of Other White House Announcements
United States Ambassador to Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea Nomination of Hume Alexander Horan.
United States Ambassador to Bahrain Nomination of Peter Adams Sutherland.
United States Ambassador to Suriname Nomination of John J. Crowley, Jr.
Checklist of White House Press Releases
Department of State Nomination of William J. Dyess To Be Assistant Secretary ]or Public Affairs.
National Advisory Committee for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Appointment of Seven Members.
Department of Education Nomination of James Bert Thomas, It., To Be Inspector General.
Statement by the White House Press Secretary on Egyptian-Israeli Peace Negotiations
Department of Defense Nomination of Jack R. Borsting To Be an Assistant Secretary.
Bureau of Mines Nomination of Lindsay D. Norman, Jr., To Be Director.
Federal Trade Commission Nomination of Patricia P. Bailey To Be a Commissioner.
Cuban Refugees Statement by the White House Press Secretary.
Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations Appointment of Jiro Murase as a Member and Reappointment of 20 Members.
Committee for the Preservation of the White House Appointment of Two Members.
National Corporation for Housing Partnerships Nomination of Kennon V. Rothchild To Be a Member of the Board of Directors.
Library of Congress Reappointment of ]ane R. Engelhard as a Member of the Trust Fund Board.
Smithsonian Institution Appointment of Two Members of the National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board.
United States Ambassador to Burundi Nomination of Frances D. Cook.
United States Ambassador to the German Democratic Republic Nomination of Herbert Stuart Okun.
United States Ambassador to Djibouti Nomination of Jerrold Martin North.
National Labor Relations Board Nomination of Don Alan Zimmerman To Be a Member.
Bombing of Yugoslav Diplomat's Home White House Statement.
National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere Appointment of Paul Bock as a Member.
National Science Foundation Nomination of Donald N. Langenberg To Be Deputy Director.
National Advisory Council on Women's Educational Programs Nomination of Six Members.
Protection of Lake Tahoe White House Statement.
Department of State Nomination of Richard Lee McCall, It., To Be an Assistant Secretary.
United States Ambassador to Guinea Nomination of Allen Clayton Davis.
United States Ambassador to The Gambia Nomination of Larry Gordon Piper.
Postal Rate Commission Nomination of Janet Dempsey Steiger To Be a Commissioner.
Community Services Administration Nomination of Michael T. Blouin To Be an Assistant Director.
United States Olympic Committee Announcement of a Meeting on the Committee's Fundraising Drive.
Federal Reserve System White House Statement on the Board of Governors' Actions To Ease Credit Restraints.
President's Commission on White House Fellowships Appointment of Two Members.
National Institute of Education Appointment of Gladys Chang Hardy as Deputy Director.
White House Fellows Appointment of 17 Fellows for the 1980-81 Program.
United States Postal Service Nomination of Three Members of the Board of Governors.
United States Metric Board Nomination of Two Members.
Presidential Scholars Announcement of the Selection of 141 Students as Presidential Scholars of 1980.
Meeting With Lord Killanin, President of the International Olympic Committee White House Statement.