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Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Nationally-known Christian Producer Justin Machacek Endorses Ron Paul for President
Ron Paul
Santorum Campaign Press Release - Santorum Releases Two New Ads Statewide in Michigan Today
Rick Santorum
Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney Announces Support of Washington State Elected Officials and Leaders
Mitt Romney
Romney Campaign Press Release - Romney: Obama's Budget is an insult to the American Taxpayer
Statement by Rick Santorum on President Obama's Budget Proposal
Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Chuck Norris: Why I Chose Gingrich Over Santorum
Newt Gingrich
Statement by Mitt Romney on the Attacks Against Israeli Diplomats
Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney Announces Support of Georgia Elected Officials
Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Video: Gingrich: Obama 'Relentlessly Hostile' to Religion
Romney Campaign Press Release - Praise for Mitt Romney's Bold Entitlement Reform Plan