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Radio Address to the Nation
John F. Kerry
Remarks on the Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education in Topeka, Kansas
Remarks to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Annual Unity Conference in Las Vegas
Remarks at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Commencement Address at Southern University at New Orleans
Remarks to the Democratic Leadership Council
Remarks to the Anti-Defamation League
Remarks at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri
Remarks to the National Conference of Black Mayors
Remarks in Wheeling, West Virginia
"A Contract with Americas Middle Class": Remarks of John Kerry
Remarks on Earth Day 2004 in Houston, Texas
Remarks at the University of New Hampshire in Durham
Remarks at Georgetown University in Washington, DC
Remarks in Cincinnati, Ohio
Remarks to the Building Trades Legislative Conference
Remarks to the New Northside Baptist Church in St. Louis, Missouri
"A Jobs-First Economic Plan": Remarks of John Kerry
"United for a New America": Remarks of John Kerry
"Protecting Our Military Families in Times of War": Remarks of John Kerry
Remarks Following the Illinois Primary
"Supporting America's Front Lines of the War on Terror": Remarks of John Kerry
Remarks in Quincy, Illinois
Remarks on Tax Policy
Remarks Following the Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas Primaries
Remarks in Des Moines, Iowa
Address to the Greater Bethlehem Temple Church in Jackson, Mississippi
Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate in Greenville, South Carolina
Presidential Candidate Debates
Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate in Manchester, New Hampshire
Address Announcing Candidacy for President of the United States in Robbins, North Carolina
John Edwards
Address Announcing Candidacy for President of the United States in Patriot's Point, South Carolina
Press Conference Announcing Formation of a Presidential Exploratory Committee in Raleigh, North Carolina
Address Conceding the 2000 Presidential Election
Albert Gore, Jr.
Remarks in Kissimmee, Florida
Remarks in Muskegon, Michigan
Presidential Debate in St. Louis
Presidential Debate in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Presidential Debate in Boston
Remarks in Chevy Chase, Maryland