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Statement on the Resignation of John Ashcroft as Attorney General
George W. Bush
Statement Congratulating President Hamid Karzai on His Election as President of Afghanistan
Statement on the Death of Shaykh Zayid bin Sultan Al Nuhayyan of the United Arab Emirates
Statement on Signing the Ronald W. Reagan National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005
Statement on the Death of James Cardinal Hickey
Statement on Signing the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004
Statement on the Anniversary of the Allied Landing on Leyte Island
Statement on Signing the District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2005
Statement on Signing the North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004
Statement on Signing the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2005
Statement on Signing the Military Construction Appropriations and Emergency Hurricane Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2005
Statement on the Death of Christopher Reeve
Statement on the Terrorist Attacks in Egypt
Statement on Senate Passage of the "National Intelligence Reform Act"
Statement on the Death of Gordon Cooper
Statement on House of Representatives Action on Legislation To Reinstate the Draft
Statement on House of Representatives Action on a Constitutional Amendment on Marriage
Statement on Congressional Passage of Legislation To Extend Tax Relief
Statement on Senate Confirmation of Porter J. Goss as Director of Central Intelligence