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Statement on the Resolution Enacted in Response to the President's Message of November 17.
Harry S Truman
Statement by the President Upon Signing Order Establishing the Interdepartmental Committee for Scientific Research and Development.
Statement by the President Announcing Appointment of Members of the National Labor-Management Panel.
Statement by the President Making Public a Report of the Commission on Higher Education.
Statement by the President on the Need for Preserving Freedom and Independence in Italy.
Statement by the President Making Public a Report on the Needs of the Navajo Indians.
Statement by the President Making Public the Report of the Advisory Committee on the Merchant Marine.
Statement by the President on the Government's Employee Loyalty Program
Statement by the President Making Public a Report "European Recovery and American Aid."
Statement by the President Making Public a Report "The Impact of the Foreign Aid Program Upon the Domestic Economy."
Statement by the President on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
Statement by the President Making Public a Report by the Civil Rights Committee.
Statement by the President on Receiving Secretary Krug's Report "National Resources and Foreign Aid."
Statement by the President Making Public a Report "The Nation's Medical Research."
Statement by the President Concerning Payment of Procurement Obligations to France.
Statement by the President Making Public a Report "Manpower for Research."
Statement by the President Making Public a Report "Administration for Research."
Statement by the President Making Public a Report "The Federal Research Program."
Statement by the President: Labor Day.
Statement by the President Upon Receiving Report of His Scientific Research Board.