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Statement by the President on Highway Safety.
Harry S Truman
Statement by the President Upon Signing Order Creating an Amnesty Board To Review Convictions Under the Selective Service Act.
Statement by the President Concerning the Transportation of Refugees to the United States.
Statement by the President: United States Policy Toward China.
Statement by the President Outlining the Housing Program for 1947.
Statement by the President on the Veterans Emergency Housing Program.
Statement by the President Concerning Myron Taylor's Mission in Rome.
Statement by the President Endorsing a Plan for Negotiations Between Coal Miners and Operators.
Statement by the President Upon Terminating Price and Wage Controls.
Statement by the President on the Forthcoming International Conference on Tariffs and Trade.
Statement by the President Concerning the Japanese Mandated Islands.
Statement by the President on the Status of the 48 Estonian Refugees.
Statement by the President Commemorating the Founding of the Czechoslovak Republic.
Statement by the President Upon Appointing Gordon R. Clapp as Chairman, Tennessee Valley Authority.
Statement by the President Concerning the Estonian Refugees in Florida.
Statement by the President Concerning Limitations on Military and Public Works Expenditures.
Statement by the President Concerning the National School Lunch Program.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Order Establishing the President's Scientific Research Board.
Statement by the President Following the Adjournment of the Palestine Conference in London.
Statement by the President Concerning the National Wage Stabilization Board.