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Statement on the Tragedy in Waco, Texas
William J. Clinton
Statement on the Death of President Turgut Ozal of Turkey
Statement on Signing Enabling Legislation for the National Commission to Ensure a Strong Competitive Airline Industry
Statement on the Retirement of Supreme Court Justice Byron R. White
Statement on Disaster Assistance for Florida
Statement on Joint Production Venture Legislation
Statement on the Death of Dr. David Gunn
Statement on Announcing the Forest Conference
Statement on Signing the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1993
Statement on the Death of Albert Sabin
Statement Announcing Airdrops To Provide Humanitarian Aid to Bosnia- Herzegovina
Statement on the Planned Resignation of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada
Statement on Signing Legislation Designating the Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building
Statement on the Death of Arthur Ashe
Statement on the Withdrawal of Kimba Wood as a Candidate for Attorney General
Statement on Signing the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
Statement on Secretary of State Warren M. Christopher's Trip to the Middle East
Statement on Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Concerning Federal Contracting
Statement on the Death of Justice Thurgood Marshall
Statement on Withdrawal of the Nomination of Zoe Baird To Be Attorney General
Statement on the National Security Strategy Report
George Bush
Statement on Completion of the Chemical Weapons Convention
Joint Statement With Prime Minister John Major of the United Kingdom on the Former Yugoslavia
Statement on the Death of Roy Acuff
Statement on Signing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1993
Statement on Signing the Veterans Health Care Act of 1992
Statement on Signing the Arkansas-Idaho Land Exchange Act of 1992
Statement on Signing the High Seas Driftnet Fisheries Enforcement Act
Statement on Signing the Airport and Airway Safety, Capacity, Noise Improvement, and Intermodal Transportation Act of 1992
Statement on Signing the Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustment Act of 1992
Statement on Signing the Veterans Benefits Act of 1992
Statement on Signing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Authorization Act of 1992
Statement on Signing the Hawaii Tropical Forest Recovery Act
Statement on Signing the Indian Health Amendments of 1992
Statement on Signing the Federal Courts Administration Act of 1992
Statement on Signing the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1992
Statement on Signing the Land Remote Sensing Policy Act of 1992
Statement on Signing the Defense Production Act Amendments of 1992
Statement on Signing the Intermodal Safe Container Transportation Act of 1992
Statement on Signing the Agricultural Credit Improvement Act of 1992