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Statement by the President in Response to a Report on the 1963 Campaign for Reaching School Dropouts.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Statement by the President on Recent Legislation in the Field of Education.
Statement by the President Upon Approving the Public Works Appropriations Act.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Chancellor Erhard.
Statement by the President Upon Appointing a Committee To Review Foreign Aid Programs.
Statement by the President on the Closing of the Studebaker Plants in South Bend, Indiana.
Statement by the President Objecting to a Tax Exemption Provision in a Private Bill.
Statement by the President on the Death of Representative William J. Green.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Independent Offices Appropriation Act.
Statement by the President on the Release of the American Hostages in Bolivia.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Foreign Assistance Act.
Statement by the President on the Proposed Reduction in Foreign Aid Funds.
Statement by the President Following a Meeting To Discuss the Eastern Kentucky Emergency Program.
Statement to the Cabinet on Manpower Utilization and Control.
Statement by the President Following Senate Approval of the Higher Education Facilities Bill.
Statement by the President on the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Statement by the President on the Death of Herbert Lehman.
Statement by the President on the District of Columbia.
Statement by the President: Thanksgiving Day
Statement by the President on the Geneva Radio Conference on Space Communications.
John F. Kennedy
Statement by the President in Response to Report of the National Committee on Health Care of the Aged.
Statement by the President Announcing a "Crash Program" To Assist Eastern Kentucky.
Statement by the President to American Women Concerning Their Role in Securing World Peace.
Statement by the President Following Action on the Civil Rights Bill by the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Statement by the President on the Death of Tom Connally.
Statement by the President on Radio Free Europe.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the President of Bolivia.
Statement by the President on Announcing a Grant for a Youth Training Demonstration Project in New Haven.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Prime Minister of Ireland.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the President of Yugoslavia.
Statement by the President: Credit Union Day.
Statement by the President on the 1965 Meeting in Washington of the Pan American Congress of Architects.
Statement by the President on the Great Lakes Maritime Union Controversy.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Relating to the Railroad Retirement and Unemployment Insurance Systems.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Emperor of Ethiopia.
Statement by the President on the Need for Training or Rehabilitation of Selective Service Rejectees.
Statement by the President Following the Senate Vote on the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Foreign Minister of Italy.
Statement by the President Following Meetings With Civic Leaders and Members of the Clergy of Birmingham.
Statement by the President on the Government's Manpower Utilization Program.