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Joint Statement Following Discussions With Chancellor Adenauer of Germany.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Postal Field Service Compensation Act.
Statement by the President on the Polio Vaccine Situation.
Statement by the President on Safe Driving.
Statement by the President Concerning Community and State Conferences on Education.
Statement by the President on Approving a Proposed Agreement With Turkey for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy.
Statement by the President on the Death of Albert Einstein.
Statement by the President on the Mutual Security Program.
Statement by the President on the Appointment of Anthony Eden as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
Statement by the President on the Retirement of Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
Statement by the President on the Death of Joseph Pulitzer and Robert R. McCormick.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Scelba of Italy.
Statement by the President Announcing the Appointment of Harold Stassen as Special Assistant to the President for Disarmament Studies.
Statement by the President Concerning Offer of Food Supplies to Albania.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Joint Resolution on the Defense of Formosa.
Statement by the President on United Nations Negotiations With Communist China for Release of American Airmen and Other Personnel
Statement by the President on the Death of President Remon of Panama
Statement by the President on the Vote by the French Assembly To Ratify the Paris Treaties.
Statement by the President on the Death of Governor William S. Beardsley of Iowa.
Statement by the President: Safe Driving Day.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Yoshida of Japan.
Joint Statement by the President and Chancellor Adenauer.
Statement by the President on the Floods and Landslides in ltaly.
Statement by the President on the Nine- Power Conference in London.
Statement by the President: National Newspaper Week.
Statement by the President on the Occasion of the Jewish New Year.
Statement by the President: National Day of Prayer.
Statement by the President on the Meeting of the National Security Council in Denver.
Statement of Policy, Approved and Issued by the President, on Foreign Trade as Related to Agriculture.
Statement by the President: Labor Day.
Statement by the President on Highway Safety During the Labor Day Weekend.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the River and Harbor Act and the Flood Control Act of 1954.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Making Available Special Nonquota Immigrant Visas to Skilled Alien Sheepherders
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Authorizing Construction of Family Housing for Military Personnel and Their Dependents.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Conveying Certain Mineral Rights to Mrs. Pearl O. Marr.
Statement by the President on the Death of Senator Maybank of South Carolina.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Providing Benefits for Government Employees.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Social Security Amendments of 1954.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill To Extend and Improve the Unemployment Insurance Program.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Increasing Unemployment Compensation Benefits in the District of Columbia.