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Joint Statement by President Barack Obama, President Herman Van Rompuy of the European Council, and President José Manuel Durão Barroso of the European Commission
Barack Obama
Statement on the Observance of Ash Wednesday
Statement on Ash Wednesday
Statement on the Situation in North Korea
Statement on Senate Passage of Legislation To Prevent Violence Against Women
Statement on the Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI
Statement on the Resignation of Karen G. Mills as Administrator of the Small Business Administration
Statement on the Observance of the Lunar New Year
Statement on the 20th Anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act
Statement on the Resignation of Subra Suresh as Director of the National Science Foundation
Statement on the Death of Edward I. Koch
Statement by the President on the Resignation of Steven Chu as Secretary of Energy
Statement on the Resignation of Mark J. Sullivan as Director of the United States Secret Service
Statement on Senate Confirmation of John F. Kerry as Secretary of State
Statement on the Resignation of Raymond H. LaHood as Secretary of Transportation
Statement on Congressional Passage of Funding for Hurricane Sandy Recovery Efforts
Statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Statement on Senator Thomas R. Harkin's Decision Not To Seek Reelection
Statement on the Resignation of Christopher P. Lu as Assistant to the President and Cabinet Secretary
Statement on the Opening of Combat Units in the U. S. Armed Forces to Women
Statement on Procedural Rule Changes in the Senate
Statement on the Resignation of Ronald Kirk as United States Trade Representative
Statement on the 40th Anniversary of the Supreme Court Decision in Roe v. Wade
Statement on the Terrorist Attack in Algeria
Statement on the Resignation of Kenneth L. Salazar as Secretary of the Interior
Statement on Signing the Department of State Program Update and Technical Corrections Act of 2012
Joint Statement by President Barack Obama and President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan
Statement on Senator John D. "Jay" Rockefeller IV's Decision Not To Seek Reelection
Statement on the Resignation of Hilda L. Solis as Secretary of Labor
Statement on Funding for Hurricane Sandy Recovery Efforts
Statement on Signing the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013
Statement on Senate Passage of Tax Reform Legislation
Statement on the Death of General H. Norman Schwarzkopf
Statement on the Resignation of Lisa P. Jackson as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Statement on the Observance of Kwanzaa
Statement on the Election in South Korea
Statement on the Death of Senator Daniel K. Inouye
Statement on the Elections in Japan
Statement on United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice
Statement on the Resignation of Princeton N. Lyman as United States Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan