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Statement on the South African Elections
William J. Clinton
Statement on Nominations for the Federal Reserve Board
Statement on Naming the South African Election Observer Delegation
Statement on the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program
Statement on the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
Statement on the School-to-Work Opportunities Legislation
Statement on the Agreement on Elections in South Africa
Statement on Disaster Assistance for California
Statement on the Pacific Northwest Forest Management Plan
Statement on the Bombing in Hadera, Israel
Statement on the Nonprofit Liaison Network
Statement on Trade Sanctions Against Taiwan
Statement on the Attacks on Israeli Civilians
Statement on the District Court Decision on Chicago's "Operation Clean Sweep"
Statement on the Deaths of Leaders of Rwanda and Burundi
Statement on Signing the Federal Workforce Restructuring Act of 1994
Statement on the Death of Representative William H. Natcher
Statement on Tornado Destruction in the South
Statement on the Violence in South Africa
Statement on the Assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio
Statement on Denying Executive Clemency to Jonathan Pollard
Statement on the Air Collision at Pope Air Force Base
Statement Announcing a Meeting With Native American Leaders
Statement on Emergency Assistance to the Northeast Fishing Industry
Statement on Additional California Earthquake Assistance
Statement on Signing Legislation on Highway Bridge Seismic Retrofitting
Statement on Nominations for the Department of the Navy
Statement on House of Representatives Action on Budget Legislation
Statement on Proposed Maritime Security and Trade Legislation
Statement on the Executive Order on Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation at Federal Facilities
Joint Declaration on Relations Between the United States and the Republic of Georgia
Joint Statement on Development of U.S.-Ukrainian Friendship and Partnership
Joint Statement on Economic and Commercial Cooperation
Statement on the National Performance Review
Statement on Presentation of the Presidential Citizens Medal to Representative William H. Natcher
Statement on the Executive Order on Identification of Trade Expansion Priorities
Statement on Disaster Assistance for Alabama
Statement on the Attack on Jewish Students in Brooklyn, New York
Statement on the Bosnia-Herzegovina Framework Agreement
Statement on the Church Bombing in Lebanon
Statement on the Technology Reinvestment Project
Statement on the Nomination of Jamie Gorelick To Be Deputy Attorney General
Statement on Action To Defend Minority Voting Opportunities
Statement on Results of NATO Action on Bosnia
Statement on the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Statement on the Executive Order on Environmental Justice
Statement on Senate Action on Education Legislation
Statement on the Sarajevo Marketplace Attack
Statement on the Observance of National African-American History Month
Statement on Oregon Governor Barbara Roberts' Decision Not To Seek Reelection
Moscow Declaration
Statement by the Presidents of the United States, Russia, and Ukraine
Joint Statement on Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Means of Their Delivery
Joint American-Russian Statement on Human Rights
Statement on the Death of Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr.
Statement on the Nomination of Strobe Talbott To Be Deputy Secretary of State
Statement on the Death of Norman Vincent Peale
Statement on House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt's Support for Legislation on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Statement on Signing Persian Gulf War Veterans Health Care Legislation
Statement on Establishment of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights