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Statement on Signing a Bill Concerning the Cumberland Island Wilderness Area and Crater Lake National Park
Ronald Reagan
Statement on Pending Action by the House of Representatives on a Fiscal Year 1982 Supplemental Appropriations Bill
Statement on Signing a Bill Authorizing United States Participation in the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition
Statement on Signing the Patent and Trademark Office Appropriations Bill
Statement on Signing a Bill Authorizing Fiscal Years 1982 and 1983 Appropriations for Certain Federal Agencies
Statement on Signing a Bill Concerning the Space Shuttle Program
Statement on United States Arms Sales to Taiwan
United States-China Joint Communiqué on United States Arms Sales to Taiwan
Statement on House of Representatives Approval of a Strategic Arms Reduction Resolution
Statement on the Situation in Lebanon
Statement on Senate Approval of the Proposed Constitutional Amendment for a Balanced Federal Budget
Statement on Signing the Energy Emergency Preparedness Act of 1982
Statement on Signing a Bill Amending the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Statement on an Extension of the United States-Soviet Union Grain Sales Agreement
Statement on Signing the Federal Employees Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules Act of 1982
Statement on House of Representatives Approval of Funds for Production of the MX Missile
Statement on Signing the Urgent Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1982
Statement on Senate Confirmation of George P. Shultz as Secretary of State
Statement on Action by the House Foreign Affairs Committee Concerning Emergency Economic Assistance Under the Caribbean Basin Initiative
Statement on the Termination of United States Economic Sanctions Against Argentina
Statement on United States Actions Concerning the Conference on the Law of the Sea
Statement on Signing a Bill Authorizing United States Humanitarian Assistance for Lebanon
Statement on the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
Statement on Signing a Bill Authorizing Construction of the Smithsonian Institution Center for Non-Western Cultures
Statement on Congressional Approval of the Fiscal Year 1983 Federal Budget Resolution
Statement on the Extension of United States Sanctions on the Export of Oil and Gas Equipment to the Soviet Union
Statement on Senate Approval of the Extension of the Voting Rights Act of 1965
Statement on the Transfer of Federal Lands to Houston, Texas
Statement on the Cease-Fire in the Dispute Between the United Kingdom and Argentina in the Falkland Islands
Statement on the Situation in Poland
Statement on the Death of King Khalid of Saudi Arabia
Documents Issued at the Conclusion of the North Atlantic Council Meetings Held in Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany
Statement on the Conflict in Lebanon
Joint Statement Following Meetings in Rome With President Alessandro Pertini and Prime Minister Giovanni Spadolini of Italy
Statement Issued at the Conclusion of the Versailles Economic Summit Conference in France
Communiqué Issued at the Conclusion of the Versailles Economic Summit Conference in France
Joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. Announcement on the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
Statement on Proposed Anticrime Legislation
Statement on United States Imports of Sugars, Sirups, and Molasses
Statement on Action by the Senate Judiciary Committee Concerning Extension of the Voting Rights Act
Statement on the Death of Representative John M. Ashbrook of Ohio
Statement on the 239th Anniversary of the Birth of Thomas Jefferson
Statement on Signing Executive Order 12356, Concerning National Security Information
Statement on the Senate Vote Sustaining a Veto of the Standby Petroleum Allocation Bill
Statement on the 25th Anniversary of the European Communities
Statement on Signing a Bill Concerning Human Rights in the Soviet Union
Statement on the Observance of the Afghan New Year
Statement on St. Patrick's Day
Statement About the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Negotiations
Statement on United States Participation in the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea
Statement Announcing the Establishment of a Federal Anticrime Task Force for Southern Florida
Statement on the Assassination of Turkish Consul General Kemal Arikan
Statement on the Murder of Lt. Col. Charles R. Ray, Assistant Army Attaché in Paris
Statement on the Anniversary of the Birth of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Statement on the National Security Council Structure
Statement Reaffirming Support of Statehood for Puerto Rico
Statement on the Protection of Classified National Security Council and Intelligence Information
Statement on Tax Exemptions for Private, Nonprofit Educational Institutions
Statement About Continuation of the Registration Program Under the Military Selective Service Act