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Regulatory Flexibility Legislation Statement on House of Representatives Approval of the Legislation.
Jimmy Carter
Wind Energy Systems Act of 1980 Statement on Signing H.R. 5892 Into Law.
Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1981 Statement on Signing H.R. 6974 Into Law.
Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians of Oregon Statement on Signing S. 2055 Into Law.
Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Appropriations Bill Statement on Sinning S. 1140 Into Law.
Youth Employment Legislation Statement on House of Representatives Approval of the Legislation.
Meeting With President Ziaur of Bangladesh Joint Statement.
Veterans Administration Health Care Amendments Statement on the Congressional Override of the Veto.
Alaska Lands Legislation Statement on Senate Approval of the Legislation.
Legislation Amending the Foreign Assistance Act Statement on Signing S. 1916 Into Law
Demarcation Lines Dividing the High Seas and Inland Waters Statement on Signing H.R. 1198 Into Law.
Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Legislation Statement on Senate Approval of the Legislation.
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Act of 1980 Statement on Signing S. 2492 Into Law.
Tinicum National Environmental Center and Sailors' Snug Harbor Statement on Signing S. 2382 Into Law.
Global 2000 Study Statement on the Report to the President.
Central Idaho Wilderness Act of 1980 Statement on Signing S. 2000 Into Law.
Billy Carter's Activities With the Libyan Government Statement by the President.
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Research, Development, and Demonstration Act Statement on Signing H.R. 7474 Into Law.
Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System Statement by the President.
World Conference for the United Nations Decade for Women Statement on the U.S. Delegation's Departure for Copenhagen.
Soft Drink Interbrand Competition Act Statement on Signing S. 598 Into Law.
Vice President Mondale's Trip to Senegal, Niger, and Nigeria Statement by the President.
Statement on the Designation of Albert Carnesale as Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Senior Executive Service Statement on Congressional Action on the Performance Bonus System.
Motor Carrier Act of 1980 Statement on Signing S. 2245 Into Law.
Uniformed Services Health Professionals Special Pay Act of 1980 Statement on Signing S. 2460 Into Law.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Authorization Bill Statement on Signing S. 562 Into Law.
Yugoslavia: Conclusion of State Visit Joint Statement.
Spain: Conclusion of State Visit Press Statement Issued on the President's Departure.
Portugal: Conclusion of State Visit Joint Statement.
Yugoslavia: Departure From Belgrade Text of the President's Departure Statement.
Venice Economic Summit Conference Concluding Statements of the Participants.
Venice Economic Summit Conference Declaration Issued at the Conclusion of the Conference.
Venice Economic Summit Conference Statement on Afghanistan.
Venice Economic Summit Conference Statement on the Taking of Diplomatic Hostages.
Venice Economic Summit Conference Statement on Refugees.
Venice Economic Summit Conference Statement on Hijacking.
Italy: Conclusion of State Visit Joint Press Statement.
Trucking Industry Deregulation Legislation Statement on Home of Representatives Approval of the Legislation.
Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980 Statement on Signing H.R. 3434 Into Law.
Fair Housing Amendment of 1980 Statement on House Passage of the Legislation.
Statement on the Death of Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira of Japan
Statement on Signing H.R. 3236 Into Law - Social Security Disability Amendments of 1980
Transporting of Cuban Refugees to the United States Statement by the President.
Special Central American Assistance Act of 1979 Statement on Signing H.R. 6081 Into Law.
Statement by the President on the Shooting of Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.
Federal Trade Commission Improvements Act of 1980 Statement on Signing H.R. 2313 Into Law.
Investigation of Hamilton Jordan Statement by the President.
Food Stamp Act Amendments of 1980 Statement on Signing S. 1309 Into Law.
Claims of the Cow Creek Band of the Umpqua Indian Tribe Statement on Signing S.668 Into Law.
Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act Statement on Signing H.R. 10 Into Law.
1980 Summer Olympic Games in Moscow Statement on the Federal Republic of Germany's Decision To Boycott the Games.
Implementation of the Civil Service Reform Act Statement on Receiving the Report of the Comptroller General.
Fiscal Year 1981 Budget Statement on a Resolution Adopted by the House of Representatives.
Youth Employment and Training Legislation Statement on Action by the House Committee on Education and Labor.
Statement on the Death of the President of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito
Statement on the Death of Former Governor of Puerto Rico Luis Munoz Marin
Regulatory Reform Statement on Receiving a Report From the Regulatory Council.
Statement by the President on Mental Health Month
Presidential Commission on World Hunger Statement on the Commission's Report.