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Executive Order 9149—Amendment of Executive Order 5643 of June 8, 1931, Prescribing Regulations Governing Representation and Post Allowances
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 9148—Transferring Credit Union Functions, Records, Property, and Personnel From the Farm Credit Administration to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Executive Order 9147—Revocation of Executive Order No. 2987 of November 4, 1918, Placing Certain Land and Water Areas Under the Jurisdiction of the Secretary of Navy for Use as a Naval Air Station
Executive Order 9144—Exemption of Herbert H. Evans From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 9146—Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to Withdraw and Reserve Public Lands
Executive Order 9145—Reserving Public Lands for the Use of the Alaska Road Commission in Connection With the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of the Palmer-Richardson Highway
Executive Order 9143—Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Holding, Reconsignment, and Quartermaster Depots
Executive Order 9142—Transferring Certain Functions, Property, and Personnel From the Department of Justice to the Alien Property Custodian
Executive Order 9140—Establishing the Safford National Wildlife Refuge
Executive Order 9139—Establishing the War Manpower Commission in the Executive Office of the President and Transferring and Coordinating Certain Functions to Facilitate the Mobilization and Utilization of Manpower