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Executive Order 8865—Withdrawing Public Land for Use of the War Department for Combat Firing Ranges and Maneuver Purposes
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 8862—Extending the Periods of Training and Service, Active Military Service, and Enlistment of Persons in or Subject to Training and Service or Active Military Service
Executive Order 8864—Placing Certain Public Lands Under the Control of the Secretary of the Interior
Executive Order 8860—Suspending the Provisions of the Saturday Half-Holiday Act of March 3, 1931, as to Certain Employees of the Federal Government in the Territory of Hawaii
Executive Order 8861—Revocation of Executive Orders Nos. 4109, 4262, and 4430 of December 8, 1924, July 3, 1925, and April 23, 1926, Respectively, Withdrawing Public Lands