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Executive Order 10605—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10119 of March 27, 1950, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Payment of Basic Allowances for Subsistence to Members of the Uniformed Services
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Executive Order 10603—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10309, Providing for the Restoration of Possession, Use, and Control of Certain Lands Reserved for Military Purposes to the Territory of Hawaii and Transfer of Title to Such Lands to the Territory
Executive Order 10602—Designating the Secretary of the Interior as the Representative of the President To Approve the Obligation and Expenditure of Certain Moneys by the Government of the Virgin Islands
Executive Order 10601—Administration of Commodity Set-Aside
Executive Order 10600—Amending Executive Order No. 9260 of October 29, 1942, Entitled "Legion of Merit"