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Executive Order 5614—Reporting of Expenditures for Use in the Budget
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5613—Withdrawal of Lands for Addition to Bishops Point Military Reservation, Territory of Hawaii
Executive Order 5612—Establishing a Council of Personnel Administration
Executive Order 5611—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use in Connection with San Carlos Indian Irrigation Project, Arizona
Executive Order 5610—Amendment of the Civil-Service Rules Relating to Veterans' Preference
Executive Order 5609—Civil-Service Status for Former Employees of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Now Employees of the Veterans' Administration
Executive Order 5607—Correction in Description of Land Restored to the Territory of Hawaii
Executive Order 5608—Designation of Sasabe, Arizona, as a Customs Port of Entry
Executive Order 5606—Establishing the Fallon Wild-Life Refuge
Executive Order 5605—Actual Expenses and Per Diem Allowances for Civilian Officers and Employees While Traveling