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Executive Order 5474—Extension of Trust Period on Homesteads Made to Indians of the Niobrara or Santee Reservation, Nebraska
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5473—Procedure Pertaining to Changes by the Personnel Classification Board in Existing Allocations of Positions
Executive Order 5472—Withdrawal of Public Lands to Protect Los Angeles Water Supply System
Executive Order 5471—Amending Schedule A of the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 5468—Amendment to Instructions to Diplomatic Officers on Inventory of Government Property
Executive Order 5470—Nunivak Island Reservation Enlarged
Executive Order 5467—Reservoir-Site Restoration No. 10, California
Executive Order 5469—Amendments to Consular Regulations
Executive Order 5466—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments of Certain Bands of Chippewa Indians, Minnesota
Executive Order 5465—Withdrawal of Public Land for Addition to the Benicia Arsenal Military Reservation, California