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Proclamation 5913—National Home Care Week, 1988
Ronald Reagan
Proclamation 5908—To Amend the Quantitative Limitations on Imports of Certain Cheeses
Proclamation 5909—To Designate Guyana as a Beneficiary Country for Purposes of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
Proclamation 5910—National Adoption Week, 1988
Proclamation 5906—National China-Burma-India Veterans Appreciation Day, 1988
Proclamation 5907—National Firefighters Day, 1988
Proclamation 5905—National Craniofacial Awareness Week, 1988
Proclamation 5903—National Hospice Month, 1988
Proclamation 5904—National Women Veterans Recognition Week, 1988
Proclamation 5900—National Alzheimer's Disease Month, 1988