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Proclamation 10054—Amendment to Proclamation 10052
Donald J. Trump (1st Term)
Proclamation 10053—To Take Certain Actions Under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act and for Other Purposes
Proclamation 10052—Suspension of Entry of Immigrants and Nonimmigrants Who Present a Risk to the United States Labor Market During the Economic Recovery Following the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak
Proclamation 10051—Father's Day, 2020
Proclamation 10050—Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2020
Proclamation 10049—Modifying the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument
Proclamation 10048—National Ocean Month, 2020
Proclamation 10047—National Homeownership Month, 2020
Proclamation 10046—National Caribbean-American Heritage Month, 2020
Proclamation 10045—Great Outdoors Month, 2020