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Proclamation 5153—Municipal Clerk's Week, 1984
Ronald Reagan
Proclamation 5149—National Tourism Week, 1984
Proclamation 5148—Centennial of the Birth of Harry S Truman
Proclamation 5147—National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 1984
Proclamation 5146—National Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Week, 1984
Proclamation 5144—National Consumers Week, 1984
Proclamation 5145—Small Business Week, 1984
Proclamation 5143—Alaska Statehood Day, 1984
Proclamation 5142—To Amend Implementing the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
Proclamation 5141—Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Proclamation 5139—National Care and Share Day
Proclamation 5140—Trade Agreements With Japan and Spain Providing Compensatory Concessions
Proclamation 5137—American Heart Month, 1984
Proclamation 5138—National Day of Prayer, 1984
Proclamation 5136—National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week, 1983
Proclamation 5135—Bill of Rights Day and Human Rights Day and Week, 1983
Proclamation 5134—Carrier Alert Week, 1983
Proclamation 5133—Implementation of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
Proclamation 5131—National Decade of Disabled Persons
Proclamation 5132—National Home Care Week, 1983