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Proclamation 4295—Flag Day and National Flag Week, 1974
Richard Nixon
Proclamation 4294—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, May 27, 1974
Proclamation 4293—Legal Rights for Retarded Citizens Week, 1974
Proclamation 4292—National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 1974
Proclamation 4290—National Arthritis Month, 1974
Proclamation 4291—Older Americans Month, 1974
Proclamation 4289—Law Day, U.S.A., 1974
Proclamation 4288—National Volunteer Week, 1974
Proclamation 4287—Earth Week, 1974
Proclamation 4286—National Coin Week 1974
Proclamation 4285—Mother's Day, 1974
Proclamation 4284—Pan American Day and Pan American Week
Proclamation 4283—Small Business Week, 1974
Proclamation 4280—National Maritime Day, 1974
Proclamation 4281—Cancer Control Month, 1974
Proclamation 4282—25th Anniversary of NATO
Proclamation 4279—Modification of Trade Agreement Concessions and Adjustment of Duty on Certain Ball Bearings
Proclamation 4277—Loyalty Day, 1974
Proclamation 4278—World Trade Week, 1974
Proclamation 4276—Armed Forces Day