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Proclamation 9774—Women's Equality Day, 2018
Donald J. Trump (1st Term)
Proclamation 9773—National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week, 2018
Proclamation 9772—Adjusting Imports of Steel Into the United States
Proclamation 9771—To Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act and for Other Purposes
Proclamation 9770—National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, 2018
Proclamation 9769—Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 2018
Proclamation 9768—Made in America Day and Made in America Week, 2018
Proclamation 9767—Captive Nations Week, 2018
Proclamation 9766—Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy in Annapolis, Maryland
Proclamation 9765—Father's Day, 2018
Proclamation 9764—Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2018
Proclamation 9763—African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2018
Proclamation 9758—Adjusting Imports of Aluminum Into the United States
Proclamation 9761—National Homeownership Month, 2018
Proclamation 9760—National Caribbean-American Heritage Month, 2018
Proclamation 9762—National Ocean Month, 2018
Proclamation 9759—Adjusting Imports of Steel Into the United States
Proclamation 9757—Great Outdoors Month, 2018
Proclamation 9756—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 2018
Proclamation 9755—National Maritime Day, 2018