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Proclamation 4887—Import Fees on Certain Sugars, Sirups and Molasses
Ronald Reagan
Proclamation 4888—Modification of Tariffs on Certain Sugars, Sirups and Molasses
Proclamation 4886—Wright Brothers Day, 1981
Proclamation 4885—Bill of Rights Day, Human Rights Day and Week, 1981
Proclamation 4884—Continuation of Temporary Duty Increase on the Importation Into the United States of Certain High-Carbon Ferrochromium
Proclamation 4883—Thanksgiving Day, 1981
Proclamation 4882—National Family Week
Proclamation 4879—Silver Anniversary Year of the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways
Proclamation 4880—American Education Week, 1981
Proclamation 4881—National Farm-City Week, 1981
Proclamation 4878—Veterans Day, 1981
Proclamation 4877—Hungarian Freedom Fighters' Day
Proclamation 4876—Suspension of the Application of Obligations Under an Agreement Between the Governments of the United States of America and Argentina Concerning Hide Exports and Other Trade Matters
Proclamation 4875—World Food Day, 1981
Proclamation 4873—Columbus Day
Proclamation 4874—National Forest Products Week, 1981
Proclamation 4872—Death of Anwar el-Sadat
Proclamation 4870—National Guard Day
Proclamation 4871—Leif Erikson Day, 1981
Proclamation 4869—General Pulaski Memorial Day
Proclamation 4866—American Enterprise Day
Proclamation 4867—National Port Week
Proclamation 4868—National Employ the Handicapped Week, 1981
Proclamation 4865—High Seas Interdiction of Illegal Aliens
Proclamation 4864—United Nations Day, 1981
Proclamation 4860—Fire Prevention Week
Proclamation 4861—National Diabetes Week
Proclamation 4862—Child Health Day
Proclamation 4863—White Cane Safety Day
Proclamation 4859—National Cystic Fibrosis Week
Proclamation 4858—Citizenship Day and Constitution Week, 1981
Proclamation 4857—Yorktown Bicentennial
Proclamation 4856—Death of Roy Wilkins
Proclamation 4855—National Hispanic Heritage Week, 1981
Proclamation 4854—Women's Equality Day, 1981
Proclamation 4853—Commodore John Barry Day
Proclamation 4852—National School bus Safety Week
Proclamation 4851—National Blinded Veterans Recognition Day
Proclamation 4850—Captive Nations Week, 1981
Proclamation 4849—National Clean-Up and Flag-Up America's Highways Week, 1981
Proclamation 4848—National P.O.W.-M.I.A. Recognition Day, 1981
Proclamation 4847—National Safe Boating Week, 1981
Proclamation 4846—Flag Day and National Flag Week, 1981
Proclamation 4845—Father's Day, 1981
Proclamation 4844—Jewish Heritage Week
Proclamation 4843—Older Americans Month, 1981
Proclamation 4842—Memorial Day, May 25, 1981
Proclamation 4841—National Day of Recognition for Veterans of the Vietnam Era
Proclamation 4838—Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust
Proclamation 4839—National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 1981
Proclamation 4840—National Maritime Day, 1981
Proclamation 4837—Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week, 1981
Proclamation 4835—Import Quota on Peanuts
Proclamation 4836—Loyalty Day, 1981
Proclamation 4834—Mother's Day, 1981
Proclamation 4832—Death of General Bradley
Proclamation 4833—African Refugee Relief [Day]
Proclamation 4831—Victims Rights Week, 1981
Proclamation 4830—Law Day, U.S.A., 1981
Proclamation 4829—Small Business Week, 1981