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Proclamation 4107—National Action for Foster Children Week
Richard Nixon
Proclamation 4106—Law Day, USA, 1972
Proclamation 4105—National Safe Boating Week, 1972
Proclamation 4104—American Heart Month, 1972
Proclamation 4103—Spokane International Exposition of 1974
Proclamation 4102—Adjustment of Duties on Certain Sheet Glass
Proclamation 4101—Supplementing Proclamations Providing for Registration Under the Military Selective Service Act, as Amended
Proclamation 4100—National Parks Centennial Year
Proclamation 4098—Termination of Additional Duty for Balance of Payments Purposes
Proclamation 4099—Modifying Proclamation No. 3279 Relating to Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Proclamation 4097—Wright Brothers Day, 1971
Proclamation 4096—Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day
Proclamation 4095—National Jaycee Week, 1972
Proclamation 4094—National Farm-City Week, 1971
Proclamation 4091—Youth Appreciation Week, 1971
Proclamation 4092—Modifying Proclamation No. 3279 Relating to Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Proclamation 4093—Thanksgiving Day, 1971
Proclamation 4090—American Education Week, 1971
Proclamation 4089—Country Music Month, 1971
Proclamation 4088—National Forest Products Week, 1971
Proclamation 4087—National Day of Prayer, 1971
Proclamation 4086—National School Lunch Week, 1971
Proclamation 4085—National Newspaperboy Day, 1971
Proclamation 4084—125th Anniversary of the Smithsonian Institution
Proclamation 4082—Child Health Day, 1971
Proclamation 4083—Veterans Day, 1971
Proclamation 4081—Leif Erikson Day, 1971
Proclamation 4080—Drug Abuse Prevention Week, 1971
Proclamation 4079—National Hispanic Heritage Week, 1971
Proclamation 4078—Columbus Day, 1971
Proclamation 4077—Citizenship Day and Constitution Week, 1971
Proclamation 4076—Establishment of Tariff-Rate Quota on Certain Stainless Steel Flatware
Proclamation 4075—Year of World Minority Language Groups
Proclamation 4074—Imposition of Supplemental Duty for Balance of Payments Purposes
Proclamation 4073—National Employ the Handicapped Week, 1971
Proclamation 4072—National Highway Week, 1971
Proclamation 4071—National Clown Week
Proclamation 4070—American Trial Lawyers Week
Proclamation 4068—Fisheries Centennial Year
Proclamation 4069—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1971
Proclamation 4067—National Moon Walk Day
Proclamation 4065—Captive Nations Week, 1971
Proclamation 4066—United Nations Day, 1971
Proclamation 4064—Display of Flags at the Washington Monument
Proclamation 4063—National Star Route Mail Carriers Week
Proclamation 4062—White Cane Safety Day, 1971
Proclamation 4061—National Postal Service Day
Proclamation 4060—World Law Day, 1971
Proclamation 4059—Fire Prevention Week, 1971
Proclamation 4058—Medical Library Association Day
Proclamation 4057—National Peace Corps Week
Proclamation 4056—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1971
Proclamation 4055—Flag Day and National Flag Week, 1971
Proclamation 4054—Father's Day, 1971
Proclamation 4053—Voluntary Overseas Aid Week and Human Development Month
Proclamation 4052—National Multiple Sclerosis Society Annual Hope Chest Appeal Weeks
Proclamation 4051—Mother's Day, 1971
Proclamation 4050—National Employ the Older Worker Week, 1971
Proclamation 4049—Clean Waters for America Week, 1971
Proclamation 4048—Senior Citizens Month, 1971