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Proclamation 3621—Columbus Day, 1964
Lyndon B. Johnson
Proclamation 3620—International Cooperation Year
Proclamation 3619—Veterans Day, 1964
Proclamation 3618—American Landmarks Week
Proclamation 3617—National Day of Prayer, 1964
Proclamation 3616—National Forest Products Week, 1964
Proclamation 3615—Von Steuben Day
Proclamation 3614—College Students Registration Week, 1964
Proclamation 3611—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1964
Proclamation 3613—Immigration Quota
Proclamation 3612—National Highway Week, 1964
Proclamation 3610—Leif Erikson Day, 1964
Proclamation 3609—Child Health Day, 1964
Proclamation 3608—United States Marshal Day
Proclamation 3607—See the United States in 1964 and 1965
Proclamation 3606—National Freedom From Hunger Week, 1964
Proclamation 3605—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1964
Proclamation 3604—Ninetieth Birthday of Herbert Hoover
Proclamation 3603—Warsaw Uprising Day
Proclamation 3602—United States International Avaition Month, 1964
Proclamation 3601—American Education Week, 1964
Proclamation 3600—National Farm-City Week: 1964
Proclamation 3599—National School Lunch Week, 1964
Proclamation 3598—Monocacy Battle Centennial
Proclamation 3597—Proclamation Correcting Part 3 of the Appendix to the Tariff Schedules of the United States with Respect to the Importation of Agricultural Commodities
Proclamation 3595—Fire Prevention Week, 1964
Proclamation 3596—Proclamation of Agreements with Paraguay and the United Arab Republic Relating to Trade Agreements and of the Termination in Part of a Trade Agreement Proclamation Relating to Paraguay
Proclamation 3594—Captive Nations Week, 1964
Proclamation 3593—Flag Day, 1964
Proclamation 3592—Women Voters Week, 1964
Proclamation 3591—World Trade Week, 1964
Proclamation 3587—Immigration Quota
Proclamation 3589—Commemoration of the Beginnings of the Office of the Presidency of the United States
Proclamation 3586—Small Business Week
Proclamation 3590—United Nations Day, 1964
Proclamation 3588—New York World's Fair
Proclamation 3583—Mother's Day, 1964
Proclamation 3585—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1964
Proclamation 3584—National Maritime Day, 1964
Proclamation 3582—National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 1964
Proclamation 3581—Loyalty Day, 1964
Proclamation 3580—Citizenship Day and Constitution Week, 1964
Proclamation 3579—Death of General MacArthur
Proclamation 3578—Senior Citizens Month, 1964
Proclamation 3577—Cancer Control Month, 1964
Proclamation 3576—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 1964
Proclamation 3575—National Farm Safety Week, 1964
Proclamation 3574—National Safe Boating Week, 1964
Proclamation 3573—National Poison Prevention Week, 1964
Proclamation 3572—Red Cross Month, 1964
Proclamation 3571—Law Day, U.S.A.—1964
Proclamation 3570—Immigration Quotas
Proclamation 3569—Immigration Quota
Proclamation 3567—Save Your Vision Week, 1964
Proclamation 3566—American Heart Month, 1964
Proclamation 3568—United States Customs Year
Proclamation 3565—Wright Brothers Day, 1963
Proclamation 3564—Proclamation Increasing Rates of Duty on Specified Articles
Proclamation 3563—Bill of Rights Day—Human Rights Day
Proclamation 3562—Proclamation Correcting Part 3 of the Appendix to the Tariff Schedules of the United States with Respect to the Importation of Agricultural Commodities