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Proclamation 3447—Embargo on All Trade with Cuba
John F. Kennedy
Proclamation 3446—Red Cross Month, 1962
Proclamation 3445—Law Day, U.S.A., 1962
Proclamation 3444—Homestead Centennial Year
Proclamation 3443—Establishing the Buck Island Reef National Monument in the Virgin Islands of the United States
Proclamation 3442—Human Rights Week, 1961
Proclamation 3441—Immigration Quotas
Proclamation 3440—Determination of Cuban Sugar Quota to Supplement the Quota Established by Proclamation No. 3401
Proclamation 3439—Enlarging the Saguaro National Monument, Arizona
Proclamation 3438—Thanksgiving Day, 1961
Proclamation 3437—National Forest Products Week, 1961
Proclamation 3435—Veterans Day, 1961
Proclamation 3436—National Day of Prayer, 1961
Proclamation 3434—American Patent System Week
Proclamation 3433—Wright Brothers Day, 1961
Proclamation 3432—Columbus Day, 1961
Proclamation 3430—Death of Dag Hammarskjold
Proclamation 3431—Carrying Out Agreement Granting Concession to Compensate in Part for Escape-Clause Action on Spring Clothespins
Proclamation 3429—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1961
Proclamation 3428—Imposing Import Restrictions on Certain Cotton Products
Proclamation 3427—Child Health Day, 1961
Proclamation 3425—United States Department of Agriculture Centennial Year
Proclamation 3426—Centennial of the Establishment of the National System of Land-Grant Universities and Colleges
Proclamation 3424—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1961
Proclamation 3423—Winema National Forest, Oregon
Proclamation 3422—American Education Week, 1961
Proclamation 3421—Fire Prevention Week, 1961
Proclamation 3420—National Farm-City Week, 1961
Proclamation 3419—Captive Nations Week, 1961
Proclamation 3418—Display of the Flag at the United States Marine Corps Memorial in Arlington, Virginia
Proclamation 3417—Immigration Quota
Proclamation 3416—Flag Day, 1961
Proclamation 3415—United Nations Day, 1961
Proclamation 3414—National Transportation Week, 1961
Proclamation 3413—Establishing Russell Cave National Monument, Alabama
Proclamation 3412—Mothers Day, 1961
Proclamation 3411—National Highway Week, 1961
Proclamation 3410—National Youth Fitness Week, 1961
Proclamation 3409—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1961
Proclamation 3408—World Trade Week, 1961
Proclamation 3407—National Little League Baseball Week
Proclamation 3406—Loyalty Day, 1961
Proclamation 3405—Law Day U.S.A., 1961
Proclamation 3404—Citizenship Day and Constitution Week, 1961
Proclamation 3403—National Maritime Day, 1961
Proclamation 3402—Terminating the Import Fees on Peanut Oil, Flaxseed, and Linseed Oil
Proclamation 3401—Determination of Cuban Sugar Quota to Supplement the Quota Established by Proclamation No. 3383
Proclamation 3400—Cancer Control Month, 1961
Proclamation 3399—Armed Forces Day
Proclamation 3398—Centennial of the Unification of Italy
Proclamation 3396—National Farm Safety Week, 1961
Proclamation 3397—National Safe Boating Week, 1961
Proclamation 3395—Red Cross Month, 1961
Proclamation 3394—Modification of Trade Agreement Concessions on Bicycles and Pineapples
Proclamation 3393—National Defense Transportation Day, 1961
Proclamation 3392—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 1961
Proclamation 3391—Establishing the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Monument, Maryland
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Proclamation 3390—Terminating the Honduran Trade Agreement in Part
Proclamation 3389—Modifying Proclamation No. 3279 of March 10, 1959, Adjusting Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Proclamation 3388—Enlarging the Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico