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Proclamation 3321—Determining (—) 3-Hydroxy-N-Phenacylmorphinan to be an Opiate
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Proclamation 3319—Columbus Day, 1959
Proclamation 3320—Veteran's Day, 1959
Proclamation 3318—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1959
Proclamation 3317—Further Amendment of Proclamation No. 3160 Relating to Certain Woolen Textiles
Proclamation 3316—National Olympic Week, 1959
Proclamation 3315—Wright Brothers Day, 1959
Proclamation 3314—Supplementing Proclamations Providing For Registration Under the Universal Military Training and Service Act, as Amended
Proclamation 3313—1959 Pacific Festival
Proclamation 3312—National Youth Fitness Week, 1960
Proclamation 3311—Enlarging the Muir Woods National Monument, California
Proclamation 3310—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1959
Proclamation 3309—Admission of the State of Hawaii into the Union
Proclamation 3308—Establishing the Horseshoe Bend National Military Park
Proclamation 3307—Excluding Certain Lands From and Adding Certain Lands to the Colorado National Monument
Proclamation 3306—Imposing Quotas on Imports of Rye, Rye Flour, and Rye Meal
Proclamation 3305—National Day of Prayer, 1959
Proclamation 3304—Fire Prevention Week, 1959
Proclamation 3303—Captive Nations Week, 1959
Proclamation 3302—World Science-Pan Pacific Exposition (Century 21 Exposition)
Proclamation 3301—Hudson-Champlain Celebrations
Proclamation 3300—American Education Week, 1959
Proclamation 3299—Flag Day, 1959
Proclamation 3296—National Little League Baseball Week
Proclamation 3298—Immigration Quotas
Proclamation 3297—Determining Certain Drugs to be Opiates
Proclamation 3295—Death of John Foster Dulles
Proclamation 3294—Redefining the Boundaries of the Allegheny, George Washington, and Jefferson National Forests
Proclamation 3293—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1959
Proclamation 3292—World Refugee Year
Proclamation 3291—Mother's Day, 1959
Proclamation 3290—Modifying Proclamation No. 3279 of March 10, 1959, Adjusting Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Proclamation 3289—National Maritime Day, 1959
Proclamation 3288—Citizenship Day and Constitution Week, 1959
Proclamation 3287—National Safe Boating Week, 1959
Proclamation 3286—World Trade Week, 1959
Proclamation 3285—Further Amendment of Proclamation No. 3160, Relating to Certain Woolen Textiles
Proclamation 3284—Child Health Day, 1959
Proclamation 3282—Loyalty Day, 1959
Proclamation 3283—United Nations Day, 1959
Proclamation 3281—National Farm Safety Week, 1959
Proclamation 3280—Cancer Control Month, 1959
Proclamation 3279—Adjusting Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products Into the United States
Proclamation 3278—Supplementing Proclamation No. 3040 of the December 24, 1953 by Fully Proclaiming Concessions on Certain Meat Products, and Correcting Certain Errors
Proclamation 3276—Pan American Day and Pan America Week, 1959
Proclamation 3277—Tenth Anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty
Proclamation 3275—National Children's Dental Health Week, 1959
Proclamation 3274—Red Cross Month, 1959
Proclamation 3273—Enlarging the Boundaries of the Cabrillo National Monument, California
Proclamation 3272—National Youth Fitness Week, 1959
Proclamation 3271—National Junior Achievement Week, 1959
Proclamation 3270—National Defense Transportation Day, 1959
Proclamation 3269—Admission of the State of Alaska Into the Union
Proclamation 3268—Law Day, 1959
Proclamation 3267—Abraham Lincoln Sesquicentennial Year
Proclamation 3266—Determining Certain Drugs to be Opiates
Proclamation 3265—Human Rights Week, 1958
Proclamation 3264—Thanksgiving Day, 1958
Proclamation 3263—National Education Week, 1958
Proclamation 3261—Veteran's Day, 1958