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Proclamation 5973—Small Business Week, 1989
George Bush
Proclamation 5972—Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week, 1989
Proclamation 5971—World Trade Week, 1989
Proclamation 5970—Older Americans Month, 1989
Proclamation 5969—Smith-Lever Act 75th Anniversary, 1989
Proclamation 5967—National Maritime Day, 1989
Proclamation 5968—Fire Prevention Week, 1989
Proclamation 5966—Jewish Heritage Week, 1989
Proclamation 5963—Bicentennial Celebration of the Inauguration of George Washington
Proclamation 5962—Loyalty Day, 1989
Proclamation 5961—National Arbor Day, 1989
Proclamation 5965—National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Centennial Day, 1989
Proclamation 5964—National Drinking Water Week, 1989
Proclamation 5959—Law Day, U.S.A., 1989
Proclamation 5960—Death of American Servicemen on Board the USS Iowa
Proclamation 5958—National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week, 1989 and 1990
Proclamation 5957—National Recycling Month, 1989
Proclamation 5956—Education Day, U.S.A., 1989 and 1990
Proclamation 5955—Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
Proclamation 5954—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 1989
Proclamation 5953—Crime Victims Week, 1989
Proclamation 5952—National Volunteer Week, 1989
Proclamation 5951—National Former Prisoners of War Recognition Day, 1989
Proclamation 5950—National Consumers Week, 1989
Proclamation 5949—Cancer Control Month, 1989
Proclamation 5948—National Child Care Awareness Week, 1989
Proclamation 5947—National Earthquake Awareness Week, 1989
Proclamation 5946—Actors' Fund of America Appreciation Month, 1989
Proclamation 5945—Women's History Month, 1989 and 1990
Proclamation 5944—Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy, 1989
Proclamation 5943—National Agriculture Day, 1989
Proclamation 5942—National Day of Prayer, 1989
Proclamation 5941—Federal Employees Recognition Week, 1989
Proclamation 5940—National Poison Prevention Week, 1989
Proclamation 5939—Save Your Vision Week, 1989
Proclamation 5938—American Red Cross Month, 1989
Proclamation 5937—American Heart Month, 1989
Proclamation 5936—National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving, 1989
Proclamation 5935—National Day of Excellence, 1989
Ronald Reagan
Proclamation 5932—National Challenger Center Day, 1989
Proclamation 5933—America Loves Its Kids Month, 1989
Proclamation 5934—National Visiting Nurse Associations Week, 1989
Proclamation 5931—National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 1989
Proclamation 5929—National Skiing Day, 1989
Proclamation 5930—National Tourism Week, 1989
Proclamation 5928—Territorial Sea of the United States
Proclamation 5926—National Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service Centennial Day, 1989
Proclamation 5927—Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, 1989
Proclamation 5924—To Complete Implementation of the United States-European Community Agreement on Citrus and Pasta, and for Other Purposes
Proclamation 5925—To Modify the Import Relief on Western Red Cedar Shakes and Shingles
Proclamation 5923—To Implement the United States-Canada Free-Trade Agreement
Proclamation 5921—Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week, 1988
Proclamation 5922—National Burn Awareness Week, 1989
Proclamation 5918—National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week, 1988
Proclamation 5919—Wright Brothers Day, 1988
Proclamation 5920—Year of the Young Reader, 1989
Proclamation 5916—To Amend Proclamation 5908
Proclamation 5917—National Sir Winston Churchill Recognition Week, 1988
Proclamation 5914—National Book Week, 1988
Proclamation 5915—Vocational-Technical Education Week, 1988