Ronald Reagan picture

Appointment of Dana Rohrabacher as Special Assistant to the President and Speechwriter

October 16, 1987

The President today announced the appointment of Dana Rohrabacher to be Special Assistant to the President and Speechwriter. Mr. Rohrabacher has been a Presidential speechwriter since January 1981.

Mr. Rohrabacher worked for President Reagan's 1976 and 1980 Presidential campaigns as an assistant to the press secretary. He has worked for KFWB Radio and Radio New West-City News Service in Los Angeles, CA, and the Register, a newspaper in Orange County, CA. He was the Los Angeles County high school chairman of Youth for Reagan in President Reagan's first gubernatorial campaign in 1966.

Mr. Rohrabacher has a bachelors degree in history from California State College in Long Beach and a masters degree in American studies from the University of Southern California. He was born June 21, 1947, in Coronado, CA, and currently resides in Arlington, VA.

Ronald Reagan, Appointment of Dana Rohrabacher as Special Assistant to the President and Speechwriter Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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