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Appointment of David W. Belin as a Member of the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities

November 09, 1984

The President today announced his intention to appoint David W. Belin to be a member of the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities. This is a new position. Mr. Belin was designated by the majority leader of the Senate.

Mr. Belin is a senior partner of the Des Moines, IA, law firm of Belin, Harris, Helmick, Heartney & Tesdell. He has practiced law in Des Moines since 1954, except for two periods of government service: In 1963 he served as counsel to the Warren commission, and in 1975 he was executive director of the Rockefeller commission.

He serves on the board of directors of the Kemper Mutual Funds. He is a past member of the boards of the Des Moines Symphony, the Civic Music Association, and the Community Drama Association. In 1978 he received the National Conference of Christians and Jews Brotherhood Award.

Mr. Belin received undergraduate, master of business administration, and juris doctor degrees from the University of Michigan. He has five children and resides in Des Moines, IA. He was born June 20, 1928, in Washington, DC.

Ronald Reagan, Appointment of David W. Belin as a Member of the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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