Photo of Michael Bennet

Bennet Campaign Press Release - Former Colorado Governor Bill Ritter Endorses Michael Bennet for President of the United States

September 10, 2019

DENVER — Former Colorado Governor Bill Ritter today endorsed Michael Bennet for President of the United States. Ritter, who appointed Bennet to the Senate in 2009, made the announcement at the official office opening of Bennet for America's national headquarters in Lakewood, Colorado.

Ritter issued the following statement:

"Michael has the ideas, character, and unrelenting focus on ending politics as usual that we need in our next president.

"I appointed Michael to the Senate because of his ability to bring people together to get things done—especially in trying times—and I know he will bring this same strength to the presidency. I watched in 2009 as he started off with three percent name recognition, traveling our state to defend Obamacare and stand on principle for the change he knew was possible. Michael knows how to build the broad coalition we will need to win purple states like ours and others in 2020.

"Michael's record in the Senate shows us the kind of leader he will be in the White House: one with the intellect, humility, and ability to make progress on our most pressing challenges.

"It is my honor to endorse Michael Bennet's candidacy for President of the United States."

Michael Bennet, Bennet Campaign Press Release - Former Colorado Governor Bill Ritter Endorses Michael Bennet for President of the United States Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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