Photo of Michael Bennet

Bennet Campaign Press Release - New Hampshire State Rep. David Luneau Announces Endorsement of Michael Bennet Following NH New Year's Festivities

January 01, 2020

Watch Luneau’s endorsement here
View photos of the Bennet family at Hopkinton’s First Day Hike here

CONCORD, NH — New Hampshire State Rep. David Luneau today announced his endorsement of Michael Bennet for President of the United States. The Bennet family joined Rep. Luneau for a tour of downtown Concord on New Year's Eve and the Hopkinton First Day Hike on New Year's Day.

Luneau has represented Hopkinton and Concord's Ward 5 (Merrimack District 10) since 2014, and has served 12 years on the Hopkinton School Board. He currently serves as Vice Chair of the House Education Committee.

"No candidate in this race better understands our educational crisis like Michael Bennet—and no candidate has a more comprehensive plan to turn the system around," said Luneau. "As a former school superintendent, Michael understands that it's time for our president to put kids first. His focus on durable legislation stands out, and will move New Hampshire and the country forward. He's a passionate, pragmatic, and progressive advocate for the next generation, and I'll be proud to stand with him on February 11th."

Bennet represents Colorado in the Senate, but he has not spent a lifetime in politics. He turned around failing businesses in the private sector and improved outcomes for kids as superintendent of the Denver Public Schools. Bennet is the only candidate in this race who has won two elections in a swing state. He has released comprehensive, field-leading proposals, including to ensure equal must be equal in our education system, provide high-quality, affordable health care with a public option, reward hard work, fix our broken political system, and tackle climate change by working with our farmers and ranchers.

Watch Luneau’s endorsement here.

View photos of the Bennet family at the Hopkinton First Day Hike here.

Michael Bennet, Bennet Campaign Press Release - New Hampshire State Rep. David Luneau Announces Endorsement of Michael Bennet Following NH New Year's Festivities Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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