Joe Biden

Biden Campaign Press Release - On Anniversary of Senator McCain's "No" Vote on Affordable Care Act Repeal, Biden for President Touts Impact of Landmark Law on Arizonans

July 28, 2020

Three years ago today, Senator John McCain voted against repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which is a lifeline for millions of Arizonans especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Donald Trump is continuing his aggressive push to repeal the ACA, even as it helps Arizonans and their families have peace of mind that they and their loved ones can get the quality health care they need.

Repealing the ACA would have disastrous effects for Arizonans. It would leave nearly 2.8 million Arizonans with pre-existing conditions uninsured, force Arizona seniors to pay more for their health care including prescription drugs, and leave tens of thousands of Arizona children uninsured.

Biden for President Arizona State Director Jessica Mejía released the following statement:

"As Donald Trump fails to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, the Affordable Care Act has only become more important to Arizona families. Senator McCain knew three years ago what we know for certain today: millions of people across the state rely on this life-saving piece of legislation to give their families the peace of mind that they have access to high-quality, affordable health care. With more than 162,000 COVID-19 cases and more than 3,300 deaths due to the pandemic in Arizona, it's more clear than ever that we need Joe Biden in the White House to expand and protect access to health care and help keep Arizonans safe."

Joseph R. Biden, Biden Campaign Press Release - On Anniversary of Senator McCain's "No" Vote on Affordable Care Act Repeal, Biden for President Touts Impact of Landmark Law on Arizonans Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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