Joe Biden

Biden Campaign Press Release - Biden Campaign Criticizes Mike Pompeo's Republican Convention Address as Politicization of Diplomacy

August 25, 2020

In response to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivering remarks at the Republican Convention, Biden for President Deputy Campaign Manager and Communications Director Kate Bedingfield released the following statement:

"Secretary Pompeo's decision to address the Republican Convention from Jerusalem isn't just an abuse of taxpayer dollars, it undermines the critical work being done by the State Department. Every day America's diplomats abroad proudly represent our country — not a political party — but Mike Pompeo's repeated and blatant use of his office for overtly political purposes only serves to undercut their work, and it further weakens the critical alliances and global relationships that have already been so badly damaged by this administration's recklessness.

"Making this inherently partisan address from Jerusalem is also the latest instance of this administration seeking to use Israel as a political wedge issue, when the historic bipartisan support in Washington for Israel and her security should never be subordinated to politicization for personal gain. Even by this administration's abysmally low standards, Secretary Pompeo's decision to serve as an errand boy for the President's re-election on a taxpayer-funded diplomatic mission, and his decision to use one of our closest partners as a political prop in the process, is absolutely disgraceful."

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Biden Campaign Press Release - Biden Campaign Criticizes Mike Pompeo's Republican Convention Address as Politicization of Diplomacy Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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