Joe Biden

Biden Campaign Press Release - Biden Campaign Responds to Night One of Republicans' Empty Rhetoric to Latinos

August 25, 2020

In response to the first night of the Republican Convention and its empty rhetoric to Latinos, Biden for President Latino Media Director Jennifer Molina released the following statement:

"Congratulations to the Trump campaign on finding the small handful of Latino voters still supporting him after a disastrous four years for the Latino community.

"Under Trump's watch, Latinos have been devastated by COVID, a crumbling economy, anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies that have separated families and needlessly divided Americans. Tonight's program was thin on solutions for the challenges facing Latino families and heavy on misinformation and name calling — a stark contrast to last week's Democratic National Convention and the real solutions Joe Biden put forward. Latinos know another four years will be catastrophic for our community. This is why our campaign is connecting with voters everyday to help them make a plan to vote Trump out of office and help build a more inclusive America with a brighter, more prosperous future under a Biden-Harris Administration."

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Biden Campaign Press Release - Biden Campaign Responds to Night One of Republicans' Empty Rhetoric to Latinos Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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