Joe Biden

Biden Campaign Press Release - Biden Campaign Statement on Vice President Mike Pence's Visit to Pennsylvania

September 01, 2020

Today, as Vice President Mike Pence travels to Luzerne County, Biden for President Deputy Campaign Manager and Communications Director Kate Bedingfield released the following statement:

"It's deeply cynical that Mike Pence is choosing to brand this event as one for 'workers,' considering the Trump-Pence Administration has been one of the most anti-worker and anti-union administrations in modern history.

"Northeastern Pennsylvanians know that at every opportunity - from the 2017 tax bill to COVID-19 relief - the Trump-Pence White House has actively chosen to pad the pockets of wealthy Republican donors and rich CEOs while neglecting working Pennsylvanians. Pennsylvanians deserve a champion for working families as their President, and Scranton-native Joe Biden will be that President."

Joseph R. Biden, Biden Campaign Press Release - Biden Campaign Statement on Vice President Mike Pence's Visit to Pennsylvania Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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