Joe Biden

Biden Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Business Leader Roundtable with Chef José Andrés Highlights Support from Hispanic and Black Business Leaders in Key Battleground State of Florida

October 30, 2020

Today, Biden for President hosted business leaders from around Florida to talk about why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the right choice for businesses and the economy. The event coincided with the release of a letter from 30 Florida business leaders endorsing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. As business leaders from industries including real estate, restaurants, and more, the panelists talked about why Joe Biden is the right leader to help businesses and the economy thrive. The event featured humanitarian and ThinkFood Group owner, Chef José Andrés. Other participants included MBF Healthcare Partners CEO Miguel "Mike" Fernandez, Related Group of Florida CEO Jorge Perez, eMerge Americas CEO Felice Gorordo, VMD Ventures CEO Harold Mills, and Half Moon Empanadas CEO Pilar Guzman Zavala.

See below for highlights from the event:

"We must ask ourselves, who we are, and what America can be. My daughter asked me if I believe that Joe Biden embraces all the things necessary to move America forward - empathy, leadership, country above party - yes I do I told her, " said Chef José Andrés, renowned chef, humanitarian, and owner of ThinkFood Group. "Joe Biden is about we the people, not I the person and he will move us towards an America of hope and opportunity."

"To my fellow Cuban Americans, the reason we are here, is because we lived through a period where the Socialist/Communist government seized private bank accounts, businesses, and more. I would remind you that there is no proof about the misinformation and Socialism narrative - in fact, it's just the opposite - if we see a strongman trying to be one-man leader trying to consolidate power, there is only one person doing that and it is Donald Trump, and it makes him very dangerous," said Miguel "Mike" Fernandez, Chairman & CEO of MBF Healthcare Partners. "Business doesn't exist in a vacuum. There are economic drivers and then there are intangibles in leaders that are incredibly important, like compassion, empathy, integrity. If the business environment has the right intangibles that will help accelerate business...I know that is what Joe Biden will bring to the presidency, and that is why I am supporting Biden-Harris."

"I came to this country with two pennies in my pockets, from Cuba through Colombia, and this country gave my family a huge opportunity. First with scholarships that allowed me to go to school, and then with loans that helped me build a business and provide affordable housing for people. I saw the impact of government programs that could help minorities and small businesses. I have now seen the affordable housing industry for low-income people totally decimated under this president, and have seen small businesses suffer greatly," said Jorge M. Pérez, Chairman and CEO of the Related Group of Florida. "I want to go back to the land of opportunity. I believe in the party that makes investments in human beings and small businesses, and that is going to move into the next phase of American expansion with investment in infrastructure improvement and renewable energy. That is the Democratic party."

"Trust your own experience versus the rhetoric - on one side we have a proven leader with a record of creating an economy that supports business and entrepreneurs," said Harold Mills, CEO of VMD Ventures. "Under Obama-Biden my business was thriving and we were the largest Black-owned business in the state of Florida. Joe Biden is a proven leader in creating the kind environment that invests in entrepreneurs and helps business thrive."

"As a business owner in the restaurant industry, I understand what it is to close doors, I've been through that. We need people to go out and vote. We need more than ever the support of government, said Pilar Guzman Zavala, CEO of Half Moon Empanadas. "We need a president to lead us to recovery, but recovery for everyone, not just Wall Street. We need a president that will see the country as one, and that will focus on helping minorities and small businesses like mine recover. And that choice is Joe Biden."

"There's no doubt in my mind that Vice President Biden is the most decent and kind hearted leader we have who can truly restore the soul of our nation. As an entrepreneur, I also know he's the best candidate we have to help us rebuild our economy," said Felice Gorordo, CEO of eMerge Americas. "Given the pandemic we face, compounded by the economic and public health crises that Trump and his utter incompetence has created, we have a clear choice to make in this election. If we want to ensure a better life and future for our families, if we want to build back our economy, stronger and better than ever before, the choice is clearly Joe Biden."

Joseph R. Biden, Biden Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: Business Leader Roundtable with Chef José Andrés Highlights Support from Hispanic and Black Business Leaders in Key Battleground State of Florida Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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