Joe Biden

Biden Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: OPINION: Joe Biden Understands Rural America

October 27, 2020

"(Joe) Biden knows the state of the rural economy is not measured on the stock market but on the health of manufacturers, of small businesses on Main Street, the security of a person earning a paycheck, the ability of farmers to profitably farm."

On Sunday, Kirk Hanlin, from Keokuk, Iowa and who served as the assistant chief of the Natural Resources Conservation Service at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the Obama administration, explained in an op-ed that Joe Biden understands how rural America works and has a detailed plan to build rural communities back stronger. Hanlin reinforces Biden's role in the 2009 economic recovery and that he "knows the reality in rural America is that far too many children grow up and leave for better economic opportunities, resulting in parents who rarely see their children, and grandchildren who rarely see their grandparents. Creating economic activity and good jobs is the only way to turn this around."

Read the full op-ed below:

The Hawk Eye: Biden Understands Rural America
[By Kirk T. Hanlin, 10/25/20]

Joe Biden understands that our farmers feed the world while supplying food, fiber, and energy for our nation. His agriculture policy will open trade markets for farmers to sell crops, while investing in research for value added agricultural products that can be produced in rural America, adding jobs and value to the commodity crops grown by farmers. Biden will provide capital for small-medium rural manufacturers so they can modernize and compete. Biden will make the first two years of community college free, whether that is to prepare for a bachelor's degree or a program that directly trains for jobs in the community. He will expand the use of ethanol and other advanced biofuels. He will provide loans and land banks to help beginning farmers, while paying farmers to capture carbon in the roots of cover crops to make our farmland a national resource in fighting climate change.

Vice President Biden oversaw the 2009 recovery act which doubled the share of domestically produced wind turbine components and produced a dramatic decrease in solar energy costs, making wind and solar power cost-competitive. He will build on this as President. Clean energy produced in rural America from wind turbines, solar power for the grid and homes, will benefit all Americans, while creating jobs in rural areas for every kind of worker from scientists to construction workers to electricity generation workers to welders to engineers.

Rural families know it is hard to find daycare for children and home care for our aging population. Biden's rural plan includes universal pre-k and expanding the number of home care professionals and their pay. Biden knows the Affordable Care Act has been critical for the health of rural citizens and hospitals. He will build on the Affordable Care Act while increasing reimbursement rates for rural hospitals. Keeping our rural hospitals open is important not only for saving lives, but also for supporting local economies.

Joseph R. Biden, Biden Campaign Press Release - ICYMI: OPINION: Joe Biden Understands Rural America Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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