Biden Campaign Press Release - Joe Biden's Support in South Carolina Swells with State Legislator, Community Leader Endorsements
New Endorsements Follow Biden's Strong Debate Performance, Clyburn Endorsement
With one day until South Carolina's "First in the South" primary, Biden for President announced the endorsements of a dozen current and former lawmakers and community leaders, including State Senator Margie Bright Matthews, State Senator Karl Allen, State Senator Glenn Reese, State Senator Thomas McElveen, and State Representative Leon Stavrinakis. Their endorsements follow a strong showing from Vice President Biden in Tuesday's South Carolina debate as well as Congressman James Clyburn's influential endorsement on Wednesday.
"We stand with Congressman Clyburn and support Vice President Joe Biden because South Carolina knows Joe," said State Senator Margie Bright Matthews. "More importantly, Joe knows South Carolina. We cannot forget how Joe stood with us when South Carolina lost our own, Senator Clementa Pinckney. He walked with us, prayed with us, sung with us. He was here again when we lost our beloved Senator Fritz Hollings and was back by our side when we lost Mrs. Emily Clyburn. He has stood with us when there was no campaign. Putting aside all of the smooth talking and pipe dream promises from the others, South Carolina will remember that Joe has always been there for us- fighting for gun control, women's rights, access to health care and criminal justice reform. South Carolina will not forget who 'brought us to the dance'."
"I have known Joe Biden since 2006. Joe Biden was the most influential vice president in the history of the United States," said State Senator Glenn Reese. "With the chaos in the White House we need Joe Biden more than ever and that's why I'm proud to stand with Joe. He will bring dignity back to the White House and restore the soul of our country."
"There is no one better for this job than Joe Biden," said Congressional Candidate Moe Brown. "America is in dire need of his experience and leadership. On day one he can restore our standing on the world stage, heal our wounds and unite the country. Make no mistake, Joe Biden will beat Donald Trump and he'll bring candidates up and down the ballot like myself with him and Trump knows it."
Today's new endorsements include:
- State Senator Margie Bright Matthews Allendale, Beaufort, Charleston, Colleton, Hampton, and Jasper Counties
- State Senator Glenn Reese, Spartanburg
- State Senator Karl Allen, Greenville
- State Senator Thomas McElveen, Kershaw, Lee, Richland, and Sumter Counties
- State Representative Roger Kirby, Florence and Marion Counties
- State Representative David Weeks, Sumter
- State Representative Leon Stavrinakis, Charleston
- Former State Representative Fletcher Smith, Greenville
- Allen Bailey, Former Sumter County Democratic Party Chair
- Sally P. Howard, Former Horry County Democratic Party Chair
- Moe Brown, Congressional Candidate for South Carolina's 5th Congressional District
- Brandon Brown, Former Congressional Candidate
Following House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn's endorsement, this announcement builds on the strength and momentum that Vice President Biden has garnered in South Carolina. This new slate of supporters brings Joe Biden's Palmetto State endorsements to more than 190, including the state's last two Democratic governors, Jim Hodges and Richard "Dick" Riley; state lawmakers, mayors, community activists, pastors and faith leaders, and local elected officials. Biden's diverse and broad coalition also consists of nearly 200 members of Educators for Biden and more than 100 members of Women for Biden from every region of the state.
Biden for President has previously announced more than 1,400 endorsements from national, state, and local leaders, including current and former U.S. senators and representatives, governors, state elected officials, community leaders, and national security professionals.
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Biden Campaign Press Release - Joe Biden's Support in South Carolina Swells with State Legislator, Community Leader Endorsements Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/366656