Joe Biden

Biden Campaign Press Release - More than a Dozen Florida Leaders Endorse Joe Biden Ahead of Tomorrow's Presidential Primary

March 16, 2020

Today, more than a dozen Florida leaders announced their endorsement of Joe Biden for President of the United States including, Palm Beach County State Attorney David Aronberg, Broward County Mayor Dale Holness, Miami-Dade County Commissioner Jean Monestime, State Representative Margaret Good and Former State Representative and Florida Legislative Black Caucus Chair Alan Williams.

"Moments like this make it incredibly clear that we need a leader who will put people over party and lead by example," said David Aronberg, Palm Beach County State Attorney. "That is why I'm supporting Joe Biden for President. Joe has been transparent, direct, and a force for unity during this challenging time. I trust Joe Biden to be a president for all Americans."

"My community is looking for a leader who can make government a force for good, especially in times of crisis and uncertainty," said Broward County Mayor Dale Holness. "They want someone who will deliver for them. Most importantly, they want someone who will treat all of us with the respect and dignity we all deserve. I know that someone is Joe Biden. Throughout his campaign, he has shown he has both the heart to restore and reunify our country and the experience to shepherd our country through moments like this. I trust Joe Biden to lead for all of us and endorse him wholeheartedly for President."

"I cannot think of a more important message at this moment than the idea of us being stronger when we work together. Joe Biden has never lost sight of the heart and soul of America and has run a campaign that is focused on what unites us, not divides us," said Miami-Dade County Commissioner Jean Monestime. "When we are facing problems as big as the ones we currently are, we need that call for unity. I trust Joe because he sees the best in us. As our president, we can beat this moment and come out of it stronger than ever."

"Tomorrow, many of my fellow Floridians will cast their ballots. I cast mine for Joe Biden," said State Representative Margaret Good. "Joe Biden is the leader we need to guide us through this challenging moment and unify the country. Joe Biden has heart and will fight for what is right."

"Today on the eve of the Florida Presidential Preference Primary, I am proud to endorse Joe Biden for President of the United States of America. As a state representative and chair of the Florida Legislative Black Caucus during the Obama-Biden Administration, I witnessed firsthand Joe's strong leadership, his steady hand in the face of adversity," said former State Representative and Florida Legislative Black Caucus Chair Alan Williams. "He has shown time and time again that he is a leader we can count on to fully fund our Historically Black Colleges and Universities and minority-serving institutions, protect our coastal communities, ensure that our military communities thrive, and will see to it that Florida and the United States remains the leader in space exploration, which brings high wage jobs to the Space Coast."

"Today, I'm proud to endorse Joe Biden for President. For six years during the Obama administration, I worked alongside Vice President Biden, witnessing first hand his principled leadership at home and abroad," said former State Department Official and 2018 Democratic Nominee for U.S. Congress, FL-18. "At a time when the very foundations of our democracy are under assault and when the moral fabric of our nation is stretched thin, I am confident that Joe Biden will serve our country with the decency, dignity, and respect that we all deserve. And as a member of the LGBT community, I know that Joe Biden will strive every day to deliver on the promise of justice and equality for all of us. This November, we have the opportunity to turn the page of history towards a better future for our country. Together with Joe Biden we can deliver the change that we need."

Today's endorsements include:

  • Dave Aronberg, Palm Beach County State Attorney
  • Lauren Baer, Former State Department Official and Congressional Candidate
  • State Representative Margaret Good, Sarasota
  • State Representative Adam Hattersley, Tampa
  • Mayor Dale Holness, Broward County
  • Larry Lee, Former State Representative
  • Commissioner Melissa McKinlay, Palm Beach
  • Commissioner Sean Mitchell, Saint Lucie
  • Commissioner Jean Monestime, Miami-Dade
  • State Senator Darryl Rouson, Tampa
  • Commissioner Joshua Simmons, Coral Springs
  • Robert Wexler, Former Congressman
  • Alan Williams, Former State Representative and Former Chair of the Legislative Black Caucus
  • Mayor Pro Tem Dianne Williams-Cox, Tallahassee

As Floridians head to vote tomorrow, this slate of endorsements shows the momentum and strength that Biden has across the Sunshine State. This slate joins more than 60 leaders across Florida that have endorsed Joe Biden for President, including former Senators Bill Nelson and Bob Graham, Orlando, Tampa, and St. Petersburg Mayors, and Florida's entire Democratic delegation to Congress, including Donna Shalala, Debbie Murcarsel-Powell, Kathy Castor, Charlie Crist, Val Demings, Ted Deutch, Stephanie Murphy, Lois Frankel, Alcee Hastings, Al Lawson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Darren Soto, and Frederica Wilson. Biden for President has previously announced more than 2,100 endorsements from national, state, and local leaders, including current and former U.S. senators and representatives, governors, state elected officials, community leaders, and national security professionals.

Biden's endorsements showcase the diversity of support for Vice President Biden in Florida and across the country, as well as the trust that these leaders have in his ability to beat Donald Trump, restore the soul of this nation, rebuild the middle class, and bring the country together.

The health and safety of our staff, supporters, and the general public is Biden for President's number one priority. During this pandemic, we are calling on all voters to follow social distancing guidelines to slow the spread of COVID-19. Officials in Florida are taking precautions to ensure you can exercise your right to vote while following social distancing guidelines, including measures to decrease density at polling locations. If you can, please vote by mail. If you vote in person, please keep social distancing and public health best practices in mind. Learn more at

Joseph R. Biden, Biden Campaign Press Release - More than a Dozen Florida Leaders Endorse Joe Biden Ahead of Tomorrow's Presidential Primary Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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