Joe Biden

Biden Campaign Press Release - Reverend Sherita Moon Seawright Endorses Joe Biden for President

March 01, 2020

Alabama AME Leader Trusts Biden to Restore the Soul of the Nation

After Joe Biden spoke today at the Brown AME Church service commemorating the 55th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama, Reverend Sherita Moon Seawright, the Episcopal Supervisor of the Women's Missionary Society of the 9th Episcopal District of the AME Church in Alabama released the following statement endorsing Biden for President of the United States:

"Scripture teaches me to believe that our country, like its people, are fundamentally good – put through great struggles and bouts of darkness, but also blessed with the faith to fight and overcome. In this presidential election, we face another key crossroads, when we must come together to use our voices and votes to stand against the petty forces of division that would make our nation bitter and small. On Tuesday, we have to vote for the one candidate with the character, coalition, and experience to call our whole country to conscience: Joe Biden. I know Joe, and so do you – he has been fighting beside us for decades. Joe has given his life to public service, to serving something bigger than himself. As a long-time senator and as Barack Obama's trusted vice president, Joe has always fought for equal opportunity and justice. From expanding the Voting Rights Act; to getting weapons of war off our streets; to writing and passing the Violence Against Women Act, to get abuse and assault survivors the support and justice they deserve, Joe has worked to stand against the abuse of power wherever it's found. Today, I know he is the one candidate with the experience and heart to bring our nation together to do big things – to strive for true equity in education and housing, to give every child and family a fair chance; to protect and build on Obamacare, so everyone can choose the health coverage that's best for them; and above all, to heal the divided soul of our nation, and bring us together to start meeting our true potential to make the American Dream real for everyone."

Seawright is a preacher, teacher, author, and community leaders who has led nonprofits and ministries across Alabama, Maryland, and abroad in assignments for the US Agency for International Development and the US Defense Intelligence Agency. Her husband, Bishop Harry L. Seawright, is the presiding prelate of the Ninth Episcopal District, which includes the entire State of Alabama, and serves as president of the Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Seawright joins Senator Doug Jones, Congresswoman Terri Sewell, Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin, Talladega Mayor Timothy Ragland, State Rep. Juandalyn Givan, and Jefferson County Commissioners Lashunda Scales and Shelia Tyson in supporting Biden, solidifying the Vice President's endorsement lead in the Democratic field and building on his strong showing Saturday in South Carolina.

Biden for President has previously announced more than 1,400 endorsements from national, state, and local leaders, including current and former U.S. senators and representatives, governors, state elected officials, community leaders, and national security professionals.

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Biden Campaign Press Release - Reverend Sherita Moon Seawright Endorses Joe Biden for President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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