Joe Biden

Biden Campaign Press Release - Virginia Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger Endorses Joe Biden for President

March 03, 2020

Today, Virginia Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger released the following statement endorsing Joe Biden for President of the United States:

"I often reflect on the real people in our district whose stories humble me and motivate me to work every day to make our America better and stronger for every person—the veteran who suffers from PTSD, the mother who threw her body over her children as a tornado destroyed their home, the sawmill worker impacted by changing times, the Holocaust survivor fearful of our increasing divisions, and the teenagers who fight for their safety in schools and the health of the planet they will inherit. I want a president who will work for them. I want a president who will hear the struggles of the parent working multiple jobs to make ends meet, the child who can't afford to participate in school activities, the young adult saddled with debt and unsure of her future, the senior who rations his medication, and the people who feel unseen and unheard.

"I believe Joe Biden has the empathy, decency, and heart for the American people that we need in the White House, and I am proud to support his candidacy. Joe has frequently said that our country's best days lie ahead, and I deeply believe that to be true. However, I know that our march towards progress must be rooted in a commitment to all Americans, and it requires continued, fearless, and earnest work to create an ever-better future for our country, our children, and our grandchildren. I know Joe Biden can lead this charge as President of the United States."

Congresswoman Spanberger joins scores of prominent Virginia leaders backing Biden in recent days, including former Governor Terry McAuliffe, Senator Tim Kaine, Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton, Congressman Bobby Scott, Congressman Don Beyer, Virginia House Majority Leader Charniele Herring. There are more 50 leaders from across the Commonwealth supporting Biden, including Congressman Donald McEachin, Congresswoman Elaine Luria, Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney, Roanoke Mayor Sherman Lea, Virginia State Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw, Virginia Legislative Black Caucus Chair Delegate Lamont Bagby and other state legislators and local leaders.

Biden campaigned for Congresswoman Spanberger in 2018, helping flip her seat from red to blue. Biden leads the field in congressional endorsements with support from 55 U.S. Representatives and seven U.S. Senators, including the most endorsements from members of both the Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Hispanic Caucus. The support reflects the broad and diverse coalition Biden has been building to ensure we unite the party, unite the country, and beat Trump.

Biden for President has previously announced more than 1,500 endorsements from national, state, and local leaders, including current and former U.S. senators and representatives, governors, state elected officials, community leaders, and national security professionals.

Joseph R. Biden, Biden Campaign Press Release - Virginia Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger Endorses Joe Biden for President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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