Joe Biden

Biden Campaign Press Release - Virginia Legislative Black Caucus Chair Lamont Bagby Endorses Joe Biden

February 28, 2020

Ahead of tomorrow's election in South Carolina, Biden for President announced a key endorsement from Virginia Legislative Black Caucus Chair Delegate Lamont Bagby. The endorsement follows today's announced support from Senator Tim Kaine and comes just one day after Congressman Jim Clyburn of South Carolina — the kingmaker of politics in the Palmetto State — announced he is supporting Biden ahead of Saturday's "First in the South" primary.

Bagby underscored the importance of Biden's ability to unite the country and his proven record of fighting on behalf of all Americans. Bagby also emphasized the need for Joe Biden in the White House to achieve needed reforms to our health care and criminal justice system, and better educational and economic opportunities.

"We know there is one candidate in this race with the heart, the courage and the backbone to not only defeat Donald Trump, but to unite our country and our party — and that's Joe Biden," said Virginia House Delegate and Virginia Legislative Black Caucus Chair Lamont Bagby. "From his time in the Senate to standing shoulder to shoulder with President Obama, Joe has always been a steadfast, effective leader for every American — no matter where they come from. That's why as president, he'll fight to unlock the potential of all of our students, for affordable, quality health care for all of our families, for the reforms our criminal justice system needs, and for the opportunities and dignity every worker deserves."

A former Henrico County School Board Member, Bagby represents Virginia's 74th House of Delegates district, which includes parts of the City of Richmond and Henrico County.

Today's endorsement follows the announced support of dozens of Virginia statewide elected officials, as well as local, party and religious leaders. He joins former Governor and current Senator Tim Kaine, Congressman Donald McEachin, Congresswoman Elaine Luria, Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney, Roanoke Mayor Sherman Lea, Virginia State Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw, and more.

Nationally, Biden for President has previously announced more than 1,400 endorsements from national, state, and local leaders, including current and former U.S. senators and representatives, governors, state elected officials, community leaders, and national security professionals.

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Biden Campaign Press Release - Virginia Legislative Black Caucus Chair Lamont Bagby Endorses Joe Biden Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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