Pool Reports by S.V. Dáte, HuffPost
Sent: | Reports: |
January 20, 2021 08:03 |
Biden pool report 1 — Blair House Pool has been assembled at the Capital Hilton, COVID tested and walked down 16th Street through the cold, windy morning to Blair House, just a few hundred feet from the North Portico of the White House, where we await the president-elect in the press vans. The Biden transition team released a schedule for the day yesterday evening, which your pooler will thoughtfully include at the bottom of this report. Arrange your snacks. It's going to be a long day. |
January 20, 2021 08:50 |
Biden pool report 2 — En route to church At 0850 the president-elect's motorcade is underway on the short drive to the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, his only event of the day before he is to travel to the Capitol for the inauguration. In past years, the outgoing president has greeted the incoming one at the White House prior to the ceremony. Obviously, that has not happened this time. The Biden transition team sent along this background regarding the church service: Mass at St. Matthews On Wednesday, January 20, ahead of the Swearing-In Ceremony, President-elect Biden, Vice President-elect Harris and their families will attend Mass at The Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle. They will be joined by bipartisan congressional leaders. Father Kevin O'Brien will deliver the homily. Violinist Patricia Treacy, soprano Renée Fleming and the St. Augustine Gospel Choir will perform. A pre-inaugural morning service is traditional before the swearing-in; presidents including Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama have attended services the morning of their inaugurations. The Cathedral church and parish was established in 1840 and is named for Saint Matthew the Apostle, the patron saint of civil servants. The church is the seat or cathedral of the Archbishop of Washington. Rev. Msgr. W. Ronald Jameson is the rector of St. Matthew's. Participants:
January 20, 2021 08:57 |
Biden pool report 3 — church service arrival President-elect Biden and Jill Biden entered St. Matthew's at 0853 after the brief motorcade ride past streets guarded by hundreds of National Guard troops and storefronts boarded over with plywood. |
January 20, 2021 09:00 |
Biden pool report 4 — attire From the Biden transition team: Today, the President-elect is wearing a navy suit and navy overcoat, both by American designer Ralph Lauren. Dr. Jill Biden is wearing an ocean blue wool tweed coat and dress by emerging American designer Alexandra O'Neil of Markarian. |
January 20, 2021 09:17 |
Biden pool report 5 — church service Pool was brought in at 0858. The Bidens stood in the first pew, on the left side of the aisle looking toward the altar. Those in attendance were spaced several feet apart, as per COVID protocols. Pool was able to see Mitch McConnell. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Kevin McCarthy, Roy Blunt, Steny Hoyer among others. Pool was led out at 0902. The service is ongoing. |
January 20, 2021 10:16 |
Biden pool report 6 — church departure The president-elect's motorcade left St. Matthew's at 1015 en route to the Capitol. The streets are filling with pedestrians, bicyclists, news crews. all craning their necks and holding up phone cameras in hopes of catching a glimpse. |
January 20, 2021 10:28 |
Biden pool report 7 — Capitol arrival The soon-to-be president's motorcade traveled the closed off-streets, lined with thousands of rifle-wielding Guard troops, passing tour buses emptying military bands and honor guards, and then alongside the empty National Mall. There are occasional flurries from a partly cloudy sky. There is a brisk breeze, making it seem colder than it is. The motorcade arrived at the east front of the Capitol at 1027. |
January 20, 2021 10:58 |
Biden pool report 8 — swearing-in background Pool is holding in the Russell Senate Office building. From the Biden transition team: Swearing-In Ceremony and Inaugural Address President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris will be sworn in on the West front of the U.S. Capitol building. After they take their oaths of office, President Biden will deliver an inaugural address laying out his vision to defeat the pandemic, build back better, and unify and heal the nation. Streamed at https://BidenInaugural.org/watch and expected to be carried live on all major networks and platforms. Streamed live on PIC social media channels, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch, and Amazon Prime Video, Microsoft Bing, NewsNOW from Fox, and AT&T U-verse (Channel 212/1212 in SD/HD) and DIRECTV (Channel 201). |
January 20, 2021 11:45 |
Biden pool report 9 -- Harris sworn in At 1142, Kamala Harris became vice president of the United States. Reminder: The ceremony is being carried live on most TV networks and all over the internet. |
January 20, 2021 11:19 |
Biden pool report 10 -- Biden sworn in At 1148, Joseph R. Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States. |
January 20, 2021 11:54 |
Biden pool report 11 President Biden approached the lectern and began his remarks at 1152. Speech being carried live in many places. |
January 20, 2021 12:17 |
Biden pool report 12 -- remarks over The new president wrapped up his inaugural address at 1213 after 21 minutes. He praised Americans for rising to the challenge and reclaiming democracy, mentioned the attempt to undo it at that exact location two weeks ago, and renewed his campaign goals of overcoming the pandemic, bringing racial justice and fighting climate change. He also called for unity while admitting that the goal might seem elusive right now, and criticized those who have stoked anger and division, and asked those who opposed him to "hear me out." "My fellow Americans, we have to be different than this. We have to be better than this." "I will be president for all Americans. I will fight as hard for those who did not support me as those who did." He called out those who lie for political power and profit. "There is truth, and there are lies." On foreign policy, Biden said he would rebuild the alliances frayed over the past four years. "We can make America once again the leading force of good in the world." "America has been tested, and has come out stronger for it." He led a moment of silence for the 400,000 Americans who have died of COVID-19, and promised not to lie to Americans. I give you my word: I will always level with you." |
January 20, 2021 14:05 |
Biden pool report 13 — review of military At 1357 President Biden reviewed formations and of service members from all the branches from the east front of the Capitol. Included were color guards and wind ensembles. The president came down the steps accompanied by Jill Biden, while VP Harris came down beside Doug Emhoff. The review began a minute later, as the troops and what appeared to be cadets marched past the Capitol, south to north, in dress and ceremonial uniform. By 1402 the last formation, playing Yankee Doodle, passed by. Many lost their tricorn hats to the gusty breeze. At 1403, the Bidens stepped into their limousine. |
January 20, 2021 14:10 |
Biden pool report 14 – Capitol departure President Biden's motorcade left the Capitol at 1410. The destination is Arlington National Cemetery, where he, VP Harris and their spouses are to place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown, a presidential inaugural tradition. |
January 20, 2021 | [APP Note: Report #15 does not exist or was not received by the APP.] |
January 20, 2021 14:50 |
Biden pool report 16 – wreath-laying President Biden and Vice President Harris, preceded by Bill and Hillary Clinton, George W. and Laura Bush, and Barack and Michelle Obama, and then their own spouses, walked to the front of the large marble rectangular block to "an American soldier, known but to God." Biden and Harris stood as an Army band played the national anthem. He saluted; she held her hand over heart. At 1444 the president and vice president moved forward to a wreath of green leaves and red and white blooms that had been set on a stand. They stood before it a moment in prayer before backing up. A bugler played taps before another moment of silence. Stretched out ahead was much of the cemetery, the Jefferson Memorial and, beyond that, the Capitol dome where the inauguration had just taken place. At 1447, Biden and Harris climbed the steps into the memorial, followed by their spouses and the three sets of former presidents and wives. |
January 20, 2021 15:18 |
Biden pool report 17 – departure from Arlington The presidential motorcade left Arlington National Cemetery at 1512, the artillery piece firing off a salute. We are on the way back across the river to the start point of a mini-parade from the Treasury building to the White House. |
January 20, 2021 15:26 |
Biden pool report 18 — escort to the White House Pool got out of their vans at Constitution Ave and 15th and loaded onto flat-bed trucks from which to view the final part of Biden's arrival at the White House. At 1526 we're rolling. From the Biden White House: Presidential Escort President-elect Biden will receive a Presidential Escort from 15th Street to the White House. Every branch of the military will be represented in the escort, including The U.S. Army Band, a Joint Service Honor Guard, and the Commander-in-Chief's Guard and Fife and Drum Corps from the 3rd U.S. Infantry "The Old Guard" Streamed at https://BidenInaugural.org/watch and PIC's YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch. Virtual Parade Across America The President-elect will receive a Presidential Escort to the White House. This will be followed by a "Parade Across America," which will be televised for the American people and feature diverse, dynamic performances in communities across the country. Streamed at https://BidenInaugural.org/watch and PIC's YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch. |
January 20, 2021 | [APP Note: Report #19 does not exist or was not received by the APP.] |
January 20, 2021 15:57 |
Biden pool report 20 - White House arrival The president and first lady walked up the North Lawn driveway as a band played, past flags of all 50 states, DC and five overseas territories and climbed the six red-carpeted steps to the North Portico at 1550. He was asked what his message to the world was. He answered: "unity." And at 1552 he entered the White House for the first time as president. |
January 20, 2021 17:19 |
Biden pool report 21 - Trump wrote him a "very generous letter" President Biden held a brief photo opportunity in the Oval Office, in which he said President Trump wrote him "a very generous" letter, but that it was private and he would not share it until he had a chance to speak with the former president. Biden also signed three executive actions: one ordering a mask mandate on federal property, another provides "support for underserved communities," and the third was to "rejoin the Paris climate accord." "I thought there's no time to wait. Get to work immediately." "There's no time to start like today." Biden sat at the desk wearing a mask as he spoke. MORE QUOTES COMING. |
January 20, 2021 17:39 |
Biden pool report 22 - virtual swearing in ceremony prep Pool was brought into the State Dining Room at 1730, where a lectern is set up before four large screen TVs. President Biden is scheduled to swear-in some of his top aides in a virtual ceremony. The portrait of a pensive Abraham Lincoln hangs over the fireplace directly behind the TVs, from where Biden will be standing. |
January 20, 2021 18:19 |
Biden pool report 23 — swearing-in WH aides President Biden entered the State Dining Room at 1800 and stood at the lectern, taking off his mask. The head of his personnel office said on the zoom-type call that there were hundreds of appointees taking the oath. Biden then thanked those working for him. "Hello, team." "You work for the people. I work for the people." "You're going to work like the devil. We all do. We all work long hours." Biden again spoke about the opportunity to eliminate systemic racism, in part because of events like the death of George Floyd. "We've reached the point where the American people have kind of had the blinders taken off." Said that he expects all his staff to treat everyone with dignity and respect. And if they do not: "I will fire you on the spot." At 1810 read off the oath of office, asking those on the call to raise their right hands and repeat it after him. "Thank you. Welcome." Biden was asked if he was concerned that his Cabinet appointees were not getting confirmed quickly and he said he was not. "No, I'm not concerned, I'm confident we can move quickly." Pool has asked for some names of those of top aides taking that oath, and the number who were on the call. |
January 20, 2021 19:04 |
Biden pool report 24 -- Press Secretary Jen Psaki briefing 2 -minute warning It is being carried live on C-Span. https://www.c-span.org/video/?508148-1/white-house-press-secretary-jen-psaki-holds-briefing |
January 20, 2021 19:07 |
Biden pool report 25 - Jen Psaki briefing begins Now. 1907. |
January 20, 2021 20:35 |
Biden pool report 26 – departure for Lincoln Memorial The presidential motorcade at 2034 is underway toward the Lincoln Memorial for the inaugural concert. |
January 20, 2021 | [APP Note: Report #27 does not exist or was not received by the APP.] |
January 20, 2021 21:04 |
Biden pool report 28 — remarks The president began speaking at 2053 in the space directly in front of the Lincoln statute and finished at 2056. However, your pooler's location, combined with the echoey acoustics, made it impossible to make out anything beyond sentence fragments. Your pooler believes the president spoke about America. Pool was loaded back into the vans by 2100. |
January 20, 2021 21:09 |
Biden pool report 29 — departure from Lincoln Memorial At 2107 the motorcade is on the way back to the White House. |
January 20, 2021 21:17 |
Biden pool report 30 — return to White House The motorcade returned to the White House at 2111. Pool did see the president get out of the limo, as the press vans dropped us off on Pennsylvania near the NW gate. |
January 20, 2021 21:41 |
Biden pool report 28b -- Biden Lincoln Memorial quotes Your pooler was able to check the video of the president's words at the Lincoln Memorial, and, sure enough, he did speak about America. In his three minutes of remarks said the nation faces difficult challenges, but that he is optimistic that the country can meet them. Some quotes: "This is a great nation. We're a good people. And to overcome the challenges in front of us requires the most elusive of all things in a democracy: unity. It requires us to come together in common love that defines us as Americans: Opportunity, liberty, dignity and respect. And unite against common foes: Hate, violence, disease and hopelessness." "The question is: are we up to it? Will we meet the moment like our forebears have? I believe we must, and I believe we will." The C-span video of the remarks is here: https://www.c-span.org/video/?508179-1/president-biden-delivers-remarks-inauguration-special-event |
January 20, 2021 | [APP Note: Report #31 does not exist or was not received by the APP.] |
January 20, 2021 22:05 |
Biden pool report 32 — attire background and lid The White House press office sent this information out and also called a lid for the day. Have a good rest of your evening. Evening Guidance for the Press Pool on the Attire of the President and First Lady Tonight, the President is wearing a navy suit and navy overcoat, both by American designer Ralph Lauren. The First Lady is wearing an ivory coat and wool dress with embroidery reflecting all of the state flowers of the United States and territories and the District of Columbia, in a purposeful gesture signaling the importance of national unity. The dress and coat were specially created by Dr. Biden's friend and designer Gabriela Hearst. |
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Biden Pool Reports of January 20, 2021 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/348902