Photo of Michael Bloomberg

Bloomberg Campaign Press Release - Florida Congressman Ted Deutch Endorses Mike Bloomberg for President

February 13, 2020

Congressman Deutch will serve as a Co-Chair of the United for Mike Leadership Council

BOCA RATON, FL — U.S. Representative Ted Deutch (FL-22) today endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg, praising the decades he's spent standing up to the gun industry and his plan to make American communities safer by implementing common-sense gun safety laws, his urgency in tackling climate change, and his commitment to building global alliances and restoring America's place as a diplomatic leader by building long-lasting international relationships. Deutch was also named a Co-Chair of the United for Mike Leadership Council, a nationwide effort to rally support among Jewish Americans, where he will advise on strategy and policy.

"While states across the country have taken steps to strengthen gun laws, America continues to fall victim to gun violence. We need to take immediate action before another mass tragedy unfolds, and tomorrow is too late to start. Mike Bloomberg will make gun safety a national priority and he has a plan that could actually prevent these atrocities from happening," said Congressman Ted Deutch. "Not only that, Mike is our country's answer to fighting pressing issues like climate change and will use integrity and real leadership to restore America's place in the global community."

"After an unthinkable tragedy happened in his district, Rep. Ted Deutch stood side by side with students and families in Parkland – and with millions of Americans across the country – to demand action. I've been glad to support them, and in the two years since the Parkland shooting, we've made real progress," said Mike Bloomberg. "In Florida, Everytown for Gun Safety, the organization I helped to found, worked with Rep. Deutch to pass a red flag law to keep guns out of dangerous hands. But Washington still refuses to act. We need a leader in the White House who will side with American families, not the gun lobby – and who will work with leaders like Rep. Deutch to get things done on gun safety, climate change, and all the big challenges we face, including national security. That's why I'm running for president – and I'm honored to have Rep. Deutch's support, and to have him serving as a vital foreign policy advisor for our campaign."

Congressman Deutch represents Florida's 22nd congressional district that includes Broward and Palm Beach Counties and is home to the cities of Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Coral Springs, Parkland and more. Now serving in his sixth term in Congress, Deutch serves as Chairman of the Middle East, North Africa, and International Terrorism Subcommittee, Chairman of the Ethics Committee, and a senior Member of the House Judiciary Committee. Deutch has led efforts in Congress to pass common sense gun violence prevention measures and has introduced bipartisan climate change legislation that would move America away from carbon and toward renewable energy sources.

Michael Bloomberg, Bloomberg Campaign Press Release - Florida Congressman Ted Deutch Endorses Mike Bloomberg for President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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