Photo of Cory Booker

Booker Campaign Press Release - Cory Booker Believes Health Care is a Human Right

June 26, 2019

Newark, NJ – In one of the wealthiest countries in the world, every person should have access to quality and affordable health care. But in a country that spends more than other high-income nations for health care, there are still over 20 million people living without access to affordable health care or going bankrupt because of medical bills.

From the debate stage tonight, Cory reiterated that he believes our system is broken and we need to fix it. Cory believes that health care is a human right, and Medicare for All is the best way to ensure that nobody in our country is without that right. And he won't wait to take action -- Cory will take immediate steps to expand access to health insurance for everyone and move toward Medicare for All.

As president, Cory will fight for access to quality, affordable and universal health are, end attacks on the Affordable Care Act, and bring down prescription drug costs:

That's why as president, Cory will:

  • Fight for Medicare for All.
  • Combat the opioid addiction crisis by treating addiction like a disease, providing resources for communities to heal and repair, and holding pharmaceutical companies accountable.
  • Lower prescription drug costs by allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prices and import drugs from Canada and other countries.
  • Invest in ending the maternal mortality epidemic and reducing racial disparities in maternal mortality rates.

Cory Booker, Booker Campaign Press Release - Cory Booker Believes Health Care is a Human Right Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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