Brasilia, Brazil Joint Communiqué Issued Following Meetings Between President Carter and President Geisel.
The President of the United States and Mrs. Jimmy Carter visited Brazil March 29-31, 1978, as part of a series of visits to major nations. Accompanying President Carter were Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs Terence A. Todman, Director of Policy Planning for the Department of State W. Anthony Lake and Robert Pastor of the NSC Staff.
The President of the Federative Republic of Brazil and Mrs. Ernesto Geisel received the President of the United States and Mrs. Carter as official guests of the Brazilian Government. President Geisel welcomed the visit as a clear expression of the importance of the relationship and the historic ties that link the two countries.
During the course of their stay in Brasilia, President and Mrs. Carter visited His Excellency, the President of the Supreme Federal Tribunal, and other members of the Tribunal. President Carter also called on the National Congress meeting in solemn joint session. President and Mrs. Carter expressed their deep appreciation for these opportunities to meet with the Tribunal and the National Congress.
The visit testifies to the desire of both Presidents to increase their mutual understanding and build on the broad areas of agreement that exist between the two Governments. The visit also recognizes the growing importance and complexity of relations between the two countries and the need to minimize the inevitable differences in perspective that flow from that complexity.
The conversations between the two Presidents took place in an atmosphere of frankness, cordiality and mutual respect. They reviewed recent international developments on the global and regional plane and exchanged views on the policies and perceptions of their Governments. Recognizing the respective responsibilities of their two countries in the resolution of important global issues, the two Presidents stressed the common interests and goals both countries share for the construction of a just and peaceful international order. They reaffirmed their strong support for the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and of the Organization of American States, and for the principles of sovereignty, equality, and non-intervention in the domestic affairs of states, non-use of force in international relations and for other principles of international law governing relations among states. They agreed on the need to persevere in efforts to maintain international peace, strengthen world security, intensify cooperation among states, and settle outstanding international issues in accordance with the peaceful means envisaged by the Charter of the United Nations.
In the context of this global review, the two Presidents noted the importance of the United Nations and other international and regional institutions in the resolution of international issues and disputes, and agreed that their two Governments should maintain and expand their cooperation in support of these mechanisms and their increased effectiveness. They also agreed to expand the annual consultations between their two Governments preceding the UN General Assembly sessions, and to bring within the purview of these consultations negotiations and meetings under UN auspices such as the Law of the Sea Conference and the United Nations Conferences on Technology and Development and Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries.
The Presidents exchanged views concerning the situation in the Middle East and deplored the recent violence which occurred in that area. They agreed that it is necessary and urgent to intensify efforts to achieve a just, comprehensive and durable peace based on UNSC Resolution 242 and 338. They stressed the importance of withdrawal on all fronts pursuant to Resolution 242 and the resolution of all aspects of the Palestinian question.
The two Presidents emphasized their concern with the arms race and reaffirmed that they strongly favor the adoption of disarmament measures under strict and effective international control. Additionally, the Presidents expressed their mutual dedication to the positive participation of their respective countries in the UN Special Session on Disarmament and affirmed their mutual desire that the Special Session lead to positive steps towards a reduction and eventual elimination of armaments and the alleviation of international tensions.
Drawing on their deep common heritage of respect for the Rule of Law and their determination to improve the conditions of life of their peoples, both Presidents reaffirmed and agreed that the progress of mankind will be measured in large part by advances made in guaranteeing and assuring the political, economic and social rights of all peoples.
President Carter emphasized the fundamental commitment of his country to the promotion of human rights and democratic freedoms as basic to the process of building a more just world, and stated that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the OAS Charter provide a framework for international concern in this area. In this regard President Geisel recalled that international cooperation for the affirmation of human rights, in all their aspects, is one of the noblest tasks of the United Nations. He stressed the preoccupation of the Brazilian Government with the observance of human rights and noted the essential role of economic, social and political development in attaining progress in this area.
President Carter reviewed the global scope of the non-proliferation policy of the United States, illustrated the practical implementation of this policy within the United States itself, and described the ongoing efforts of his Administration to prevent both vertical and horizontal proliferation on a worldwide basis. He emphasized that U.S. policy is designed to curb the spread of nuclear weapons, while encouraging international cooperation in the development of the peaceful uses of atomic energy. President Geisel noted Brazil's equal concern for non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, both vertical and horizontal. In this connection, he stressed that Brazil strongly supports international efforts towards disarmament; that Brazil's nuclear program has strictly peaceful objectives and is designed to meet her energy needs; and that Brazil favors the adoption of the IAEA's international non-discriminatory safeguards.
The two Presidents reviewed the conditions and prospects of the world economy. They discussed the critical relationship of developments in the U.S. economy to global stability and growth, and examined Brazil's rapidly expanding role within the global economic system. Both Presidents stressed that it is important that the industrialized countries as a group pursue appropriate policies to ensure the resumption of more rapid worldwide economic growth, which also requires appropriate policies in the developing countries to maintain healthy economies. They welcomed the decision of OPEC taken in Caracas in December to maintain the prevailing level of petroleum prices.
President Carter emphasized his Administration's commitment to freer trade. President Geisel stressed the importance of export growth to Brazilian development. In this connection, both Presidents emphasized their resolve to work toward a more open and fair global trading system, to fight protectionism and to cooperate in bringing the Multilateral Trade Negotiations to a successful conclusion. The two Presidents agreed that the major contributions in this field should be made by the developed countries. President Carter emphasized the determination of the United States to negotiate special and differential treatment for developing countries, where feasible and appropriate. He also noted the desirability of contributions by the developing countries toward trade liberalization. President Geisel expressed Brazil's readiness to contribute, together with other countries, to the liberalization of world trade. The two Presidents agreed on the importance of reaching an understanding on codes on export subsidies, countervailing duties, safeguards and other trade policy mechanisms. They also agreed on the need for close consultations as the Geneva negotiations approach the final stage.
The two Presidents agreed that the Fifth Session of the Brazil-US Sub-Group on Trade would take place in Brasilia in May. The principal purpose of the session will be a bilateral examination of the substantive issues existing in the current phase of the Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
The two Presidents strongly endorsed the key role of international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank. In this connection, they reviewed the various measures taken in the past year and agreed on the importance of an increased level of funding of these institutions. The two Presidents emphasized the importance of the contributions of the developed as well as of the developing countries to these institutions, and also noted and welcomed the expanding efforts among the developing countries themselves to strengthen mutual cooperation in support of their development. They noted with satisfaction the efforts made to create a group for economic cooperation in the Caribbean.
The two Presidents agreed on the importance of stabilizing commodity prices at levels fair to producers and consumers and of the role which well-designed funding arrangements can play in relation to commodity price stabilization agreements.
Both Presidents stated that they would continue their support for the close working relationships that have been established between the economic and financial authorities of the two countries.
The two Presidents discussed their common interest in reducing dependence on imported oil and reviewed their countries' programs in energy research and development. They agreed to establish a program of cooperation that would emphasize both nations' areas of advanced expertise and ensure a two-way flow of benefits: in coal mining, processing and conversion, the production of alcohol from sugar and other agricultural products, and industrial and transportation energy conservation. This agreement will be followed by meetings of experts to design specific cooperative programs including the possibility of joint funding of such programs.
The two Presidents also noted the world agricultural situation and agreed that the United States and Brazil, as the world's leading exporters of agricultural products, can make an important contribution to easing world problems in this field. They decided to establish, under the Memorandum of Understanding of February 21, 1976, a Sub-Group on Agriculture. The Sub-Group will address problems of mutual interest and will hold its initial meeting in the near future.
The two Presidents also noted that the shared experiences which derive from private sector, professional, cultural and educational exchanges constitute a valuable base of lasting friendship and mutual understanding between the two countries. The two Presidents specifically noted the celebration last year of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Bilateral Fulbright Exchange Program which has involved university scholars of a wide variety of disciplines.
The two Presidents emphasized the shared goals of their peoples in a new era of peace and progress which will contribute to a more just economic relationship between North and South, promote increased economic security for all countries, assure a better quality of life for all peoples, provide a more equitable sharing of the benefits of growth, and encourage more rapid national development.
The two Presidents agreed on the importance of frequent consultations and close cooperation between the two Governments. They agreed that the mechanisms and procedures of consultation established under the Memorandum of Understanding of February 21, 1976, should continue to be used and instructed their Foreign Ministers accordingly. The two Presidents expressed their intention to continue in close personal communication so as to permit their direct and prompt address to matters of special interest to their two countries.
The two Presidents expressed their great personal satisfaction that their conversations, conducted in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual respect, had resulted in a very useful, comprehensive and mutually beneficial exchange of views on a wide range of multilateral and bilateral issues, and a full appreciation of each other's views.
Upon ending their visit, President and Mrs. Carter thanked President and Mrs. Geisel for the cordial hospitality offered to them by the Brazilian people and government.
Note: The text of the joint communiqué was released at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Jimmy Carter, Brasilia, Brazil Joint Communiqué Issued Following Meetings Between President Carter and President Geisel. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/244774