Photo of Steve Bullock

Bullock Campaign Press Release - Governor Bullock: We'll Withdraw from Afghanistan by End of First Term

July 30, 2019

The war in Afghanistan has been drawing on for nearly 18 years — there are Americans enlisting today who weren't born on 9/11. Governor Bullock believes it's time to bring this war to a responsible end. 

Bullock will commit to having all soldiers out of Afghanistan by the end of his first term. In his first trip as President, he will convene our NATO allies and tell them that America is back — and that we need a diplomatic solution to bring along our allies and empower the Afghan people to lead.

Trump's America Alone policy has undercut our global standing, but with Governor Bullock's leadership, we can once again lead in the community of nations.

As President, Governor Bullock will:

  • Protect the American People;
  • Strengthen our alliances;
  • Deter our adversaries;
  • Promote the American values of human rights and democracy.

Steve Bullock, Bullock Campaign Press Release - Governor Bullock: We'll Withdraw from Afghanistan by End of First Term Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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